
Republic of Singapore, there they go

Spent the weekend with mum and her friend from Singapore. Childhood friends actually for the past 40 years. Wow.. I wish me and Alla will be that way also. We rented a car and I drove them around. Tiring but fun. Leaving the Boyfriend alone at home to clean the house.Hahaha. Cna your boyfriend do that???One in a million. I love him so much more..
Me, mummy and her friends went for dinner on Friday and spend most of the time talking to each other. Updating each other. It waas nice though. They went back yesterday evening by SilkAir. Kind of missing them already. Felt attached to them even they were here like a week. Mummy wanted to cry, I know. So did I. But I tried to restrain myself.
I'm boring right now. Jessie's gone for her teambuilding. Thank God. No one will get on my nerve. Only her department. Sadly. I don't have the mood to blog actually. I was moved after watching Tribute to Baby Eliot on YouTube. How far a mother willing to go to cherish her child even they're gone and live only 99 days after birth. It was heart moving. Perhaps we think that our mother don't care about us when one of the siblings get what they want and we think we are the left out one. I never believe when people say their mother don't love them. 9 months of pregnancy, the pain that she has to go through, it will be a lie if a mother tells you that she don't love her own child. I too, sometimes, felt annoyed when my mum used to nag me but when I moved away from home, I do miss her nagging, sometimes....