I'm counting down the day when I'll be walking down the stage to receive my graduation scroll..
Flight ticket has been booked...Has informed my very best friend to pick me up from the airport..I'm so excited....Excited for the graduation as well as I get to meet my best friend..I told her that we'll be hanging out together as much as possible...I still miss those school day though...How time goes by... Raya is around the corner...I've prepared everything...But not new shoes...I'll be wearing shoes that I bought but never been worn before(not even once, ok)..... I guess the most exciting about graduation is that, everyone will be wearing the same robe as you're regardless of whether they manage to graduate because they cheated in exam or etc....The only thing that differetiate each other is you know how much effort you have put into making your dream comes true...Apart from that, graduation means the mark of endless working life awaits you...You're no longer have the privilege of skipping class, copy your classmate's assignment, hire someone to do your assignment or cheat in class...You're on your own feet now...You'll have to wake up earlier even though its hard....Punch your card into the timer machine in office, check your emails, maybe sometimes overtime...It's a different set of activities..Totally different....
When I first work (october last year), the first thing that crossed my mind was....'Shit, I have to pay my own house rent and bills'....Soon, it became easier and it teaches me on how to manage my money wisely....I no longer shop vigorously like how I used to when daddy and mummy still giving me pocket money....I had to plan my expenses (daily and monthly).....You'll cherish your hard-earned money more...I miss those high school and college years....Not because I don't have to work but more to friendship that we built with each other..The bond that existed between us grew stronger till today....We never fail to stand by each other and support each other when the tide gets rough....We never leave each other no matter what....Plain and simple life as a student....Nothing to worry and no responsibilities... Well, no one grows younger right....I know people change but one thing for sure, my bestfriends will never change and I love them...