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Dear Boyfriend : Happy 2nd year Anniversary...May our years and days to come fill with joy and happiness..I still used and will always love you. Thank you for the happiness you bring for the past years. Thank you for all the emotional support that you have given me through the tough time that I went through before. Thank you for being a listener and a shoulder to cry on. Thank you for standing up for me and being by my side when ever I needed you.
Yeay, today is my second year aniiversary with the Boyfriend. We wished each other twice (yesterday nite and this morning,hahaha)...So excited...Sadly we would have to differ our celebration to other day as $ is a concern now...Anyway, most important is we have each other.. Honestly, I did not think that we could make it untill today as we often fight with each other when we first declared our relationship...I see no future in it...Hahaha..But now, we are happily as it seem...Thank you God...I pray that we can bring this into another level...
I feel anxious, moody, sad, excited, etc..Dunno why and don't ask...the Boyfriend always says that I'm not good in controlling my emotions...He said when he first saw me in CF(working part time), I looked very snooby at first glance...Then later on, he said, I'm quite friendly. It is just that my face doesn't show it...How can I??? I have class from morning till evening, then rushed to workplace(did not have time to go back first), worked till wee hours, and sometimes when they're short of manpower, I'm the first one they would call and I never say no...I worked on Friday, Saturday and Sunday (days that supposedly partimers should cover but obviously, they're the demanding ones, bluek) and sometimes I worked the whole week;-( (bcoz it seems that these full timers are always on MC, wth)...But I'm ok with it as I thought 'Hei, why not help them,maybe they'll appreciate me'...But guess I was wrong...No one ever sees the good things I have done for them...So I quit the job....Cut the crap...
Chatted with Kamini just now and said there'a vacancy in PDC...Might be going to USM this weekend with Khang..No so sure yet...I'm so excited about the convocation...Plan to meet Lyna as well....This graduation is truly gonna be damn fun as my batch are graduating together. Will be going for the graduation dinner...OOHH, so happy...