"Each friend represents a world in us, a world possibly not born until they arrive, and it is only by this meeting that a new world is born."- Anais Nin
on right : pah,husna and sarah
Behind row : lyn, pah, sarah,puteri and husna
Was reading through my best friend's blog and bumped into these pictures. I did not know that she had these photos with her...It was nice to see them again..It brings out all the memories I have back in high school...These are the bunch of people who made my day and make me feel like going to school and these are the people who have been with me all these years. It made me cried...I wish I could turn back time...Those were fun and happy days of my life...Some got married, some still pursuing their studies, some making big bucks...Anyhow, I'm happy I have friends like them...We went through many things together...We spent most of our time together even during school holidays...We go out everyday after extra classes, after school and even did a sleepover...But not frequent...Those were the good times...We even see each other tears, laughters....We were best of friends...
*all pictures courtersy of http://akudansekeliling.blogspot.com/

Have a great weekend!!!!