
Its been a long time

Well, its been more than a month since I last blog about my 'so call' life. Many things has happened but I can't be blogging every single thing. Well, lets start from Christmas... Went to the Boyfriend's house for Christmas as his mother organized a Christmas lunch and dinner. Everything went smoothly...I guess his parents has accpeted me eventually...Now its a matter of how to convince mummy on this..I can feel that he's the one for me...I don't think I can find someone better than this....Drop that anyway.....

Daddy's coming back today and will be fetching hima nd adik later around 7...Ohh ya, Dianah got 8As in her PMR...I'm so proud of you...Well, at least we have a scorer in the house...

Work wise..I'm no longer struggling except when there's too many calls to handle....GOD....Its been a pretty god December for me I guess....Luck is just on my side....2010 is just fingers counting away and I pretty much know what will be my resolution this year and the important note of all is to not over spending anymore....2009 has been a rough year for me and I managed to pull it through by the hard way too...

My cousin passed her exam as well...Congrats...

Well for now, I'll just the night with daddy and adik...