
second day of 2010

Its been a great 2009 for me and the Boyfriend. We spend our new year eve in cinema watching Sherlom Homes...Funny movie I can say...Me and the Boyfriend do not want to have our body sticking to each other in a pool of human...Its disgusting with all the sweats you can smell...EEWW...

Anyway, I hope 2010 will be a better year for me, the family and the Boyfriend...To think back those old times,my previous relationship,it was horrible...

To him,
I'm glad that I dumped you and met someone much better that you,moroon....I never want to se you again or even have thoughts of you your lame ass individualistic...If I had the power to turn back time, I'll definitely stab you in the heart....

May God bless me and the family...May the Boyfriend and me will have the chance to take our relationship into another level, and may my friendship last forever...