
rude people are just annoying and full of crap and i have to work during CNY

Well, it is Sunday afternoon and I'm in the office while some people are still day dreaming on the bed..Waking up at 2pm and watching TV...And I'm stuck in the office for another say 3 hours approximately...Working in a call center is certainly a challenging job...Not many can tolerate different kind of customer...When an annoying cutsomer calls in, in order to release anger is by muting the damn phone and start scolding vulgar words and then unmute the phone and start talking back as usual but faking it...Some even ask stupid question some even ask question after purchasing and blaming everything on the sales rep...What the hack???I'm not looking myself in this line in the next couple of years...I'll age faster and get heart failure faster due to stress... I used to think that the westerners are friendly, professional, classy and etc..The fact is they're cheapo, rude, annoying..Just a few...Not all....Obviously...Well, I can't complain much as at least I have a job...But sometimes, I don't feel like waking up in the morning and get ready to go to work...Its not fun at all....Well, it was my choice to work here, first of all..So what the f*** I want to complain after all.....

Another thing that annoys me is when working in a company where it is dominated by one race...When it comes to festive seasons, MY GOD...Everyone will be taking off holiday..Sadly, I can't celebrate Chinese New Year I have to work on that day...To think, I was better off in the previous company...This job I'm doing currently is totally for money minded human...And I'm not that kind...

To make it short, customers are just plain stupid...