
God test our patience

Well, with the recent Dragon tradegy on going incident, it made me realise how powerful God can be. It also made me realise how short life can be...I know that I did not live to the fullest previously but that does not mean it will happen again. I have many plans up ahead and its a matter of time to execute them...Condolense to all the victim's family...May they rest in peace..

With the 'polluted' country we're living in, I'm not sure whether my spouse and future children will have the opportunity to live in peace like how it was 20 years ago...It was so different compare to now..Everything seems to be separating from each other..And plus the ongoing case of using 'Allah' terms for other races, this has caught the attention of international media...It is a shame...For a country that si so called democratic..

Well, to my BFF Khang Wei : DOn't forget us once you're in Jitra. Visit us often and not to forget our movie sessions ok...We'll miss you...