
The after gamble

Well, its been 2 weeks since my trip to Genting Higlands with my previous team members. FYI, boyfie tag along and you won't imagined what happen in Genting....I threw up!!!... But it was fun though. And we went to the casino...first time for me and boyfie. It was cold but as the place is small, so there's not much things to do...We spent our time eating...BURGER KING...And boyfie bought 3 pieces of burger back to Penang...There's no BK in Penang....Lame...

Well been working hard for the past 2 weeks and has been a very hectic week for me..Time is running fast as well.....

Missing the family a lot lately..Called adik and daddy few days back..Hhmm..

Got an interview for my masters intake next Monday.very nervous but not sure what to expect for the interview. I've never heard of interview for master's study before in my life...

Looking forward for a better week next week...Fingers crossed...