
typical people around us

Well,just finished talking to a customer...Normal routine..Looked through some of the post posted in FB.Some sounded weird,lame,ridiculous,arrogant...Well too many to list down.. But above all, I'm happy to see some of them are happily married, getting married not including those who got divorced...I'm sorry to hear that.Not sure when will it be my turn.But not anytime soon...

I've started reading finance books and magazine. Starting to be a bookworm as used to in uni. Fingers crossed hoping that my master application come through.

Nothing much to blurp actually.I miss my hometown and my family.The last I went back was 4th day of Chinese New Year..I took a 5 days leave that ended me regretting for not paying a visit to grandma's place.It was a disaster...Seriously...

I'm currently planning getting my blogshop up and running for the next few month to come. As I mentioned earlier in my blog that I want to work from home.Well this is what I like I guess. Being entrepreneur..Don't have to crack my head everyday at work...