
i miss my family and boyfie when i'm sick

Today is my second day of having fever. To be honest,I feel like going back to my hometown. At least there's daddy and mummy to take care of me. And boyfie is not around as well. I miss him a lot. Extremely a lot. The house has been very quiet lately. No one is at home. House mate is away. So its just me and myself. Went out for lunch with Fifi and BFF. Don't know what to eat. Then went to Popular book store. Bought myself a sketching book and a whole set of magic pen. Reached home, sat down at the table and start drawing. Imagine how pathetic my life is!!!! Worst part is the TV has die on me. Not sure when am I gonna buy a new TV.

B, please come back faster. I really miss you a lot....

Lucky that BFF is in Penang or else I'll go crazy. Even though I'm sick, I have to do everything on my own..It sucks, you know...Now I know how it feels when there's nobody to help you to do anything especially when you're sick...First day when I had fever, I actually cried..Because I miss daddy, I miss mummy and I miss boyfie very much. I had high fever and I was scared as well. Scared that in case anything happens, no one will be at home to help me...