Well, as you can see on the title, the man in the picture is the man that I would want to spend the rest of my life with. He's peeeeeerfect in every way except when he jokes:-) (he thinks that I'm big in size)..Hahaha.We've been together for the past 2 1/2 years and still going strong. And throughout these years, he showers me with care,love and affection even though he don't say it out loud (guys and ego are a set). If you ask me whether is he worth it? I'll say yes because I bet you that I might not find someone like him. He cheers me up when my day is terribly bad and stood by me when I almost falling apart. He accepted my clause and never once complain. He put me first on top of his priorities. He make sure that I'm safe everytime I'm with him. He takes good care of me when I'm sick and even though sometimes he nag, it's for my own good.
I always pray that both of us will last forever and I never want to set my eyes on another man, not anymore.
I have my insecurities, and he gave me an assurance. He's loyal and faithful and it is hard to find that kind of man in this modern days.He respect and accepted me for who I am. But sometimes, when things goes wrong, worry starts to haunt me. Worry that I might lose him to someone better. I know he won't cheat as he is not a 2 timer man. Like I said, he's loyal and faithful.
Everyday I look forward to see him after work, go for a simple dinner or movie. And he don't mind if I wear my sleeping attire for the dinner as long as I'm comfortable.And he prefers my bare-face instead of make-ups all over. I do wear light make-ups for certain occasion. Make-up and girl are one:-).
I just want him to know that, even though sometimes we argued about the smalls things, but I want him to know that, I'm looking forward to a better life with him, through sick and health and through rich and poor. I'll never dump him for any other man and he's the only man in my life apart from daddy.
Putting into words about his characteristic won't be enough as the list will never end. But what is put into this blog is sure enough to explain how good he is in my eyes.What epople think,does not matter because at the end of the day, I lead my own life not anyone else. And when you're in trouble, these are the people that you'll think of first.