Well, good things will come eventually if you have the patience. Enough said, boyfie came back after all my hard prayers, my tears and what-so-ever-nonsense nightmares i had for the past few days. We celebrated by having a simple dinner at Friday's and movie later on, The Bounty Hunter. Honestly, I give 4 stars. The only reason I still honoring the stars is because there are some romantic parts in the movie. Movie lasted about 2 hours I think. Due to lack of rest for the past few days, my eyes was watery and I was exhausted. But happy at the same time as boyfie has come back.
Anyway, I'm having Q2 kick-off dinner later tonight ar Bagan bar and restaurant. Looking forward for free food.Hahaha...Who does not...Sadly, I can't bring boyfie along. If possible, I would want to drag him everywhere. Pity him...
Anyway, I'm recovered from my fever, but not 100% yet. Still having bad cough and flu. I hate the weather.
Most important of all, I've learnt my lesson for the past few days. Trust your man especially if he does not have any history of cheating. And never ever take him for granted. A relationship is based on give-and-take policy. But for all the girls out there, don't take people's boyfriend for granted as well... Sometimes being too close to other people's boyfriend can lead to misunderstanding eventhough they're just friends. Well you know, GOD gave us brain to think,so use it and play safe. Why want to get yourself into trouble or being the caused of separation in other people's relationship???