
strength within is the fuel

Anyone can give up, it's the easiest thing in the world to do. But to hold it together when everyone else would understand if you fell apart, that's true strength.
-- Anonymous

I'm darn tired today. Work till 5pm and then class at 7pm. God please give me the strength. Had a great night of photography with BFF yesterday. I hope she enjoyed my company and thanks darling for the gorgeous photos. Waiting for her to upload them into my Facebook. We'll do it again next time and next destination will be Batu Feringgi...Ahahah..Kononnya pro photographer la...As BFF is still learning on how to use her DSLR, I volunteered to be her so-called 'model'...Model yang pendek...Xpa la..Pendek pun jadila...And I miss Along(she's in Sabah I think). Thinking of going back to Singapore this coming January 2011. Been 2 years since I last visited my aunties, cousins and uncles...Hhmm...The family be spending the almost-2-months school holiday in Singapore starting next month.

*and should I cut my hair short or keep it long and then go for wavy look??

I want to get myself a compact SLR camera.....