Well, as a finance student, I know I should read a lot of finance book but believe me it involve numbers and I don't like numbers but I have left with no option. There's a magazine that was recommended by daddy and I've been reading it for the past more than a year. It's written using simple English that even a non-accountant person can understand(and you can Google terms that you understand right?). And for those who needs a basic finance info, this magazine will be useful. It's only RM9.00 a copy so it's a good bargain (if you can buy a RM6K of LV bag, why not invest in something worth while?). Learning has no age limit. Am I right?
as a finance student
Well, as a finance student, I know I should read a lot of finance book but believe me it involve numbers and I don't like numbers but I have left with no option. There's a magazine that was recommended by daddy and I've been reading it for the past more than a year. It's written using simple English that even a non-accountant person can understand(and you can Google terms that you understand right?). And for those who needs a basic finance info, this magazine will be useful. It's only RM9.00 a copy so it's a good bargain (if you can buy a RM6K of LV bag, why not invest in something worth while?). Learning has no age limit. Am I right?
corn in a cup

It has been a while since I last watched movies which is 2 or 3 weeks back, I guess? Anyway, decided to watch The Mechanic starring Jason Statham. The beginning of the movie was slow but it changed to exciting towards the middle. And oh how I love his British accent. Why are British men look and sound sexy. Ask God:-)

Anyway, while I was driving along Sg.Pinang back from work last Friday. I was looking out the car window as I saw a look a like German Shepard wandering beside the road. Looking lifeless and tired. I took a picture of it but having problem of uploading it into my computer. Anyway, while I was looking a it, I thought why people are not bothered about these stray animals? Those animal owners who doesn't want their pets anymore can simply 'dump' their pets around. If pet owners are responsible enough, there won't be any strays around. Animals have feelings just like human. You know what, if I have millions of dollars in my bank account, the first thing I would do is to give some of it to my parents (obviously), and open up an animal shelter (shopping wise also). You can see so many animal cruelty,be it through YouTube or some other channels. Imagine if the same thing happen to their kid? They would definitely go all out to fight for it. So why can't we do the same for animals? They can't speak for themselves...
"Love of animals is a universal impulse, a common ground on which all of us may meet. By loving and understanding animals, perhaps we humans shall come to understand each other."
-- Louis J. Camuti
how do you see yourself
First of all I'm not emo okay. Let's make it clear. I was eating burger king for dinner (what a healthy meal) as I finished work quite late. Was suppose to cook some tomyam fried rice but tak jadi at the very last minute due to work commitment*sigh*. Anyway, while eating (watching tv as well), my mind wondered off some where in the future. I mean, at one point in your life, definitely you'll be thinking, what will you be? or who you'll be? in the next 5? 10? or maybe 20 years down the road. I'm sure you don't want to do same thing as what you're currently doing right? Me too..I'm not shy to say that I'm dreaming of becoming a big manager(will be good if I am the tauke:-p despite I'm a slow learner, and a blur most of the time). hey, everybody has their own goals and dreams right.
Well, at times I wonder how can those big tauke stand right at their current position now. How can they be rich?? Lottery? Work like a dog 12 hours a day?. Even if you ask them, they'll say 'You need to work hard. Life is not easy'...working hard like how????
Every single morning(only weekdays when I have to get up early), I'll tell myself 'Daddy is not a millionaire'..I have to force myself to wake up and get ready for work..I feel it is so hard to juggle work and study at the same time. Even last Monday, I had my mid term exam for one of the papers, I thought of quitting my job and focus full time on my Masters but lucky I gained consciousness at the back of my head and tell myself to stay strong. This is the ultimate test to do the thing that I've been wanting to do and it is part of my wish list and I know I'm half way through achieving it. It's just a matter of time.
I know as a normal human being created by God, we're prone to break down especially when things doesn't work out. But I believe that God test us for a reason. To prepare us for something bigger and even when we're lost and not knowing what to do, He will not leave us instead he guide us the right path.
when break up is nothing
Today went pretty well considering our company's system was down the whole day, work load is piling up (means I'll have to bring my seeping along to office tomorrow) . We had KFC for lunch for almost 2 weeks in a row. That is because KFC is the only place which is not crowded with office 'ants' during lunch hour. Enough said.
Have you had an ex-boyfriend that you've befriended for years (we'll consider as days as well) but broke up because things doesn't work out? And how long do you take to have another new relationship (regardless of how you feel towards your ex). Days? Weeks? Months? or maybe years?. It's sounded extraordinary when someone who you used to have 'special' connection with manage to involve themselves in a new relationship in a matter of days. Out of no where, she/he had someone new in their life. And amazingly he/she change his/her status from being in a relationship---> single--->in a relationship again? Doesn't it trigger a question mark in your tiny little head? Maybe you'll be asking yourself 'Wow, seriously? Is this his/her way to mourn our memories that we used to have together for years/days?' or maybe 'Oh God, I didn't expect that he'll replace me this fast'. Isn't it funny when you think you're crying over a relationship that did not work out, reminiscent all the fond memories you both used to have while he/she on the other hand is taking photos with his/her new partner at Starbucks? You'll be wondering does the years you both spent meant anything to him/her, right?. Well, it is hard to read someone's mind. Some are just heartless. For them feelings are just a toy.
the shocking news is...............
I mentioned in the previous post that I have a shocking new for everyone right..Well, here it goes...
UK trip and some other stuff

I went for class last Thursday and during the class(yes, i know we should pay attention in class but it was boring) few classmates and I had a brief discussion on where we would want to go for our attachment year. Okay, for your information, the course that we're taking now Masters in Buss Admin (majoring in International Business) requires us to travel overseas for 2 or 3 weeks and get attach with any company of your choice or chosen by UNI. During the attachment, you need to gather informations (everything about the company except the P & C infos), in order to write your short thesis(cool eh:-)). Best part is some companies will give you allowances even when you'll only be there for weeks only...
So, one of my classmate suggested that we should take this opportunity to go to the same country and stay in the same hostel or service apartment and we got to go sigh-seeing together. This is also one of many ways to go for a budget-holidays. So she suggested UK as the first choice, another classmate suggested Australia as second and thirdly will be Singapore. So I agreed. We budgeted our financial roughly about RM10,000 for the whole trip. And I gulped myself. I think that shouldn't be a problem right since daddy's around:-p...
So this classmate couldn't stop thinking about UK from the first time we talked about it until the class is dismissed. But in a cute way. She'll say 'We must go UK la' every few minutes and we can't stop laughing...
*the shocking news will be in another post..sorry
Panasonic GF-1

For the past few day,I've been doing some surveys on compact SLR cameras and what does it mean and this model caught my eyes while I was browsing for it on Google. I don't want to carry a bulky one as I would have to carry another extra bag to fit it in. And also I don't want to look like some 'poyos' who carries around the big SLR camera in shopping malls just to show it off *God know whether it even has a battery in it or not ;-P*. Further, I want it to be practical and could fit in my handbag. I'm not a professional photographer so why would I need the pros one right?
I have a shocking news for everyone but it will be in the next post so keep reading okay...
a simple meal just the 2 of us
Love is not a matter of counting the years ... But making the years count
By Michelle Amand
On top of that, this house has been going through a minor renovation, even then the dirt are like major ones. So I had 'fun' cleaning the house for the past 2 days. Felt like my back is breaking apart. God!!!
Those who can laugh without cause have either found the true meaning of happiness or have gone stark raving mad.
~Norm Papernick
CNY post

Well, sorry for the late update on what's happening during the last Chinese New Year. It was good as everyone was there even though grandma's no longer around. I'm glad to see that the family bonding session did not fade away despite of the absence of grandma. I wasn't sure whether we could make it to visit grandma's grave or not but eventually daddy brought us there. It was an overwhelming feeling when we stepped our feet there. Remembering those time when she was still around. She practically took care of me since I was small so I was close to her. Even we only meet like once a year, phone calls are often asking how she's doing. There are some things she could not remember and I can understand that as she's old. Put that sad story aside, here comes some pictures during the Chinese New Year in Kuala Trengganu.
the 7th day of Chinese New Year
Just got back from Kuala Trengganu last weekend and this year's New Year was awesome even though grandma's no longer around but yet the spirit of family is still there. And I'm glad that everyone is still as close as how we used to be last time and that the tradition still goes on. Good thing about this year's CNY is we ate a lot. Day and nite...Finding good food around Trengganu. Bad news is my angpow are less this year..Sad...And people start asking when am I getting married??... Annoying but that's the fact if you're turning 27 this year..But that's not a concern for me though as I have so many things yet to achieve in my life none the less marriage life...
For this year's New Year I bought a dress, a jean and 2 checkers shirt but only manage to wear 3 of it. We took many pictures and will upload soon....
Cousins still look the same except me with super-short hair... Aunties and uncles are still the same too...
The last day before we head back to Penang, we stopped by grandma's graveyard. We brought 4 oranges along. but not for long. I know daddy wanted to cry but he just looked away and said we're in a rush of time as mummy wanted to stop by Kota Bharu to visit my babysitter9sort of) when I was a little baby.
We got stuck in a jam for about 3 freaking hours and reached Penang roughly about 12am
Happy Chinese New Year

I would like to extend my Chinese New Year wishes to all readers. May the year of rabbit brings prosperity, joy and happiness to everyone. Be a responsible driver, follow the road signs and don't drink and drive.
p/s; blogger will be away for the holiday season and will be back next week. So expect some delays in blog posts...
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