
Piano and me

The picture with the girl playing piano reminded me of my youngers days when I used to attend piano classed every week....

Did you know that Lionfish or Pterois volitans is the deadliest fish in the world..Think I'm that smart to know this fact? Nahh...I was watching Bones season 5..hahahaha...

Anyway, at home watching TV on a Sunday afternoon. Don't mention that I'm working tomorrow when everyone else are still in their dreamland...Sad mode is currently turned on... But happily anouncing that my exam mode has ben turmed off...Yippee...

Meet with BFF Alla on Friday in QB mall...Had dinner then at night, went out for a birthday outing...Nothing much, just 'lepaking' in Sega's Gurney...But lucky managed to go back quite early as they closed at about 12am...Thank god...No pictures though....

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