
Down with fever, mood swing and quitting my job

Well, bad news on Monday..the Boyfriend is down with fever since yesterday. So bad and pityful. Anyway, weekend was 'ok'...Watched Harry Potter : The Half Blood Prince . We chose the midnight session and the earlier one was almost fully booked, only left the front row...I don't wanna add to my blidness!!!...The movie was ok..But too bas Dumbledore was dead...*sorb*.. Then went to QB for grocery shopping. We went out like 4pm++ and came back even before it reaches 6.30pm...the Boyfriend was very sick so he doesn't have the mood for window shopping... Sad isn't it...But neither both of us were eager during last weekends as we did not know where to go...Penang is an island you know....You'll only need like half a day to go through the whole island...Boring....Even if it is better than my hometown...Well, I'm going back to my place this weekend...Yahoo!!!!..I'm so excited...

Today is quite dull and boring...I'm forever on Monday blues,as long as I have to work here. I'm starting to get boring with this job...Well, USM intake for masters will only be next year(for by coursework)....I can't wait you know...

Some people just love to brag what ever they do, have or own..Keep it to yourself la sister...You're not the only one who has have everything in life...

I feel sooooooooo mix up today and I don't know why..I don't feel like going to work today actually. But then, I forced myself up even I'm sleepy due to lack of sleep yesterday night..I itched the whole night...stupid bed-bug......