
a break that snapped and late for chores

The Boyfriend rode the bike early in the morning to send me to work and guess what, my bike's disc break snapped...Perfect isn't it...First was, I had no mood at all to go to work today as I know there will be chores waiting for me...Secondly, I was very sleepy, and lastly, I hate to see Ms.J's face...!

So I called my ex-college mate, he was sleeping. So I called his gf to call him. And he called back. But he said, there won't be any shop open at that time (7.30am!!, great). At the same time, I called another friend, but he was on his way for a training. Forget it. But the Boyfriend was determined to search for a shop. So we went round and round and at last found one...I paid RM25 for the disc pad...It was gone!!!...Anyway, the mechanic said that maybe someone tried to steal by disc break before. Because the plate was a bit slunt. So guess someone might have tried to knock it out...Too bad, he couldn't make it. Before we went and search for a bike shop, I noticed that my bike was missing a screw that suppose to tie my disc break with the absorber ( I think that's the name)..Well...I'll have to be more careful after this...

Well, it's 11am..I felt like time flies very slow since yesterday except when I was sleeping..but the good news is, its Friday...woohoo.....Raya in 2 months time and puasa is next month...Green packet waiting for me!!!!...hahaha...

For the past few days, I've been thinking of going for a vacation maybe in New Zealand. Sounds interesting place to visit aite....But...who to go with....??