
KL or Jakarta and people who are full of shit

I went through Nelly's FB and saw picture of her in Jakarta and Surabaya. Went with his darling, Delon..hahaha. I saw a sneak peak of Jakarta ( I think so) shopping mall. F***ing huge!!!!!! F***ing awesome...Shopping heaven for me!!!..So few days back, I suggested to the Boyfriend.
Me : B ar, why not we save some money, then go for a Jakarta trip
Bb : Hah?? for what. Wait kena bomb or what. Don't want la
Me : I saw in Nelly FB, the shooping mall is so huge!!!
Bb : So you want to drag me to go for shopping and spend my money?? So the part where you said we save money means, save my money then we can go rite..?
Me : *Smilling*
But, previously, the Boyfriend and I and a few friends planned to go for KL trip but everything went down the drain...!!! Same goes to Paint Ball...Even the paint ball center which located right in front of my house (walking distance), has closed down...Bloody full....
I've been noticing that everyone I know is getting married and the question that I always encounter is 'Ei, when is your turn la?'..Hhmm...Well, I have no and the Boyfriend still have a long way to go. Marriage is not something I have in mind..................yet.
Indeed, the Boyfriend understands me well....I guess so...
Additional post over here...Working in my current company is full of shit as the people here are full of crap....Imagine eating shit, worst than that...Honetly speaking...If I am a millionaire kid or some future heiress, I would certainly quit right now and stand in from of their say shouting :
I quit!!! And you know why? Because all of you are full of crap and nonsense. You can eat your own f***ing shit as I don't need all this shit as I have enough shit to handle and care in my life. You all are just selfish, self centered species without any brain!!! Moorons!!