
Not so exciting but yet still moody today= job burn

There are only two tragedies in life: one is not getting what one wants, and the other is getting it.

Well, I feel a lil' bit down today. Dunno why...Ms.J is back in office..Felt sick...uurrgghh!!! Plain, dumb, straight woman. I don't like her. She always critisize my work. What ever I do is not enough for her..Everything has to be in line, I mean according to the rules including how I send email. Pathetic and it get to your nerve isn't it...I feel stupid... Currently I'm having a mood swing when ever I'm at work. Is that a sign showing that you're getting bored with your job...For me, it looks like that. So I browsed through A website which was recommended by the Boyfriend's friend. You can find thousands of job. Basically, it's a website that compile all jobs/opening/vacancy from all the employment websites like JobStreet, Jen job, Man Power and etc. You can even search for job in China and Australia and a few other countries which obviously I can't remember. The Boyfriend said I have a brain of a goldfish because golfish can only remember for like 2 second...Isn't it cute....

I do feel like searching for other job prospect but then it won't look good in my CV. My first job was in Maxis but quit after 4 months of working. the reason is.....can't get a long with the boss. But money was good though. Then again, daddy said, good money comes with high responsibilities. I never think of that until the first day I stepped into Maxis. It was nighmare!!!..But I got the chance to meet different kind of human species. Some are demanding, annoying, nice. It tested my patience...Damn...First day at work, I cried when I reached home and I called daddy. He said, 'I thought so'...Hahahaha...Funny to think about it but it was a lesson to learnt.

And now I'm stuck in my current job. First impression when I went for the interview...'Wow, the place is so clean and everything are so organized.This is how MNC company work'...But, it was a whole lot mistake...AGAIN....I kept reminding myself...'Work for the sack of your resume' 10000 times, everyday..Do you know how it feels to see nerds everyday, to hear unrelevant complain through your ears everyday, to have fullfill these nerdies need everyday, to handle their nonsense everyday????? Some of their request doesn't even seem to be logic!!!! They think they're one of a great hell engineers..ya rite......How can they have brains like what they have now...It is sick, you know...

You know what, I'm always complaining about almost everything in my life...Sometimes I forget that I still have good things in my life...A perfect family, a perfect Boyfriend, a bowl of rice that I can eat, a bike, a place to stay..But it never been enough for a normal human being...

Anyway, I browsed through my favorite online shop *Pumpkin* and spotted this baby doll-like dress. Very cute and flowy.

dolly lace