I've asked opinions from a few people (daddy, the Boyfriend, Khang and Jay) and one thing in common that they said...'I can't make the decision for you. If you think you can handle it and easily adapt to new working environment, then take it. You can't be afraid of taking some rish forever'. Honestly, it doesn't help at all... But with the pay that I get now, I can't save...I'm going to further my studies and the possibilities of not wanting to take a study loan is high as I've already in debt with my current loan (RM30k++ to be exact)..How the hell am I gonna pay off this debt with the pay I'm getting now???
Plus, I want to be a good daughter(*laughing and coughing*)...I planned to give some money to mummy to be kept aside (i know they won't use it) so that I won't be a big-spender....And maybe save some for future use(marriage????)or rainy days....Not that I don't like my current job(aside with the annoying people), problem is I'm going no where and there is nothing to do with what I studied.. The new job offer pays quite a sum compare to current one but high pay comes with a great resposibility.
Updated version : handed in my resignation letter...Ok don't say anything. Talked to supervisor on my decision and she adviced me that made me thinking twice again...But at least I can get rid of my dead-end job and need not to see Mr.V's ass-face again...Btw, he complained to Ms.J that the pantry is out of sugar...Is he blind???Are you blind, Mr.V???..Whatever, I'm not gonna see you anymore after this...Say what ever you want.