I got these photos when the Boyfriend went for his badminton session, before I went to bed. These pictures are taken back in college years (i think its 2007)...This was during our dance audition for 2007 prom nite....We were chosen, ok....So while waiting for other dancers to perform their routine, I took out my lappie and called to rest for a photo session...When there's Delon, there's always stupid things to do...Ahahahaha..He's hilarious I'm telling you...I'll be working in the same company as him starting next month...Ahahaha..This gonna be great, I hope so.
I missed those days but everyone has gone on their own separate ways as all of us has graduated...But we still keep in touch as these are the fun group back at that time...Same class, same project, same hang-out place, same assignment...The only time we're not together is bedtime...Imagine that...College years was awesome minus the exams and assignments...Hate that part...
Talked to Lina yesterday and planned for the upcoming graduation dinner...I'm so fucking excited....
This graduation means a lot to the family especially mummy as she put high hopes on me and Adik...One more to go(dianah)...This marked another new chapter of my life..I'm planning to start my Masters studies a.s.a.p...To complete the missing pieces and also one of my other millions of goal in my life...Sounds stunning isn't it...Well, I have many plans and goals but pathetically I'm lazy....
Saw a picture of a blogger who went for a vacation in Bangkok...Perhaps I should there one day.. And I'm planning on getting some clothes over there for my blogshop...