
when my mind doesn't go in a straight line

Things have been pretty much hectic and tiring for me and I don't like it. I hate the feeling of getting up early morning and be prepare to go to work.Honestly, I don't know what I want but one thing for sure is I want to have big car,big house and family of my own. But to get to that level, requires a lot of sacrifice and extremely hard work.That is the part where I'm still struggling. I've working for the past 1 year and this is the 3rd job I'm doing....I'm still far from my dream....

Met with my ex-schoolmate back in high school.We had lunch at McDonald Greenlane.To my surprise, he's already married (even though no traditional ceremony yet).Bu then, they are officially legally hisband and wife.Wow, how time flew so fast.He was the chicky one in high school. Nevertheless, to think that he'll be married at this age(not that young though)...He bought a house and I asked the Boyfriend to show me where the area is.The compound was clean, with guarded front gate....Apartment style. At least he owns a house..I'm so envy him. After that it makes me want to earn more money for a better life.

I knew that I have never done much about my life last year so for this year, I want to work hard towards my personal goal :

1. Take good care of Dianah in terms of her education. To provide her with what daddy and mummy have given to me last time.
2. Take care of mummy and daddy so that daddy don't have to work anymore.
3. To save more money so that I could get married.
4. Save money for my old days.
5. Be a good partner, sister, friend and daughter.
Well, these resolution seems easy to achieve but actual fact is, it need a strong will and determination of wanting to achieve them.Well, easy said that doing it. I'll try my best as well.