Well, I bumped into a page in FB... They posted pictures of Derma's reunion held in Putra Palace during the recent Hari Raya..It was f***ing huge and happening!!! and guess what, I added Ariff Merican (lots of history with him, should not tell on my blog).....and Khairul Faiz...I was so anxious to tell Yana so I called her but no answer...Instead I called Alla (BFF) and we managed to talk halfway as I have tasks to complete...This is a huge story....!!!OMG!!!...He looked different...From the photos that I managed to view, he looked slimmer and handsome...Damn Yong, remember that you're some one else's Gf....Well, I do remember that...Even if I'm single, I'm soooooooo not going to hook up back with him...It was longggggggg story...and pathetic, nothing happy to remisnicense about....
But year 2002-2003 was years of my life...Hahahaha..Many things happen and it was a lesson to learnt...It was years back, eveything is history...
Back to the reunion...Talked to Alla(BFF) just now...So she said she chatted with Kamil yesterday and they were planning to do next year's reunion in Brasmana hotel and now itself I feel so excited...Given that mummy don't plan to celebrate Raya in Singapore or else I'll have to miss it...Anyway,looking back those good old days when all of us were in high school, we were not close, not to say talking to each other...Sometimes we don't even know each other's name!!! But during the reunion, we were all like good friends, it was a pleasure moment and I'm lovin' every piece of it...It was s*** fun...
Remembering my college years which filled with crying(can't find solution to account question:-p), laughing in mamak, movie during class(we did skip class,ok,who have not done that during college time??)...It was pure fun, those 'childish' arguments we had(stupid!!)..And now, everyone is graduating while me, stuck in this dead end job(i'm included in that graduation, don't get me wrong)..I'm soooo looking forward this coming convocation as my batch are in...So we'll definitely have the best of fun..
It is not easy
Well, I 'm trying to make a come back on my blogshop but its kinda hard as it is selling really slow... But its not wrong to give it a try again rite??...Well, today is kinda laid back as I have finished some of the task in the morning..I hope there won't be any last minute request from anyone...I've been rushing through everything just to get some request done and it is tiring...It is 11am and I'm damn sleepy and boring...By the way, intake for Master's study in USM is open and I plan to visit the campus for a walk in application...Kind of nervous and I hope I managed to get it...
Asked the Boyfriend to send my bike for repair and pay bills....
Asked the Boyfriend to send my bike for repair and pay bills....
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in love and dreams
Polygamy is rubbish and not that I want to condemn
I read national news today through http://thestar.com.my/news/nation/ and I came across this title Here come the brides: Polygamy club woos Malaysians. It captured my attention as I thought maybe they are trying to tell a story about an old man marrying 2nd wife or so on... And there I see Kartika's name...She permitted her husband to marry a second wife as a reason that she and her husbands wants to help that poor lady...Read the full story below..
RAWANG: When she was practicing law, Kartini Maarof once went beyond the call of duty for her divorce client.
She arranged for Rohaya Mohamad, a mother of seven, to be married again - to Kartini's own husband.
The spouse they have shared for a decade is 43-year-old Ikramullah Ashaari, who has four wives and 17 children.
His 72-year-old father has 38 offspring from five marriages, without ever having flouted Islam's prescribed limit of four wives at a time.
Polygamy is legal for Muslims in Malaysia, though not widespread.
The Ashaari clan believes it should be.
Last month it launched a "Polygamy Club" that claims the noble aim of helping single mothers, reformed prostitutes and women who feel they are past the marrying age.
"We want to change the way people perceive polygamy, so that it will be seen as something beautiful instead of something disgusting," said Hatijah Aam, the founder of the club. She is the fourth wife of Ikramullah's father, Ashaari Muhammad.
Polygamy may seem out of place in an Asian democracy proud of its skyscrapers, high-tech skills and go-getter economy.
But it retains a foothold in this Muslim-majority country of 27 million where piety is deeply embedded and Muslims can be arrested for drinking alcohol or consorting with the opposite sex unless a couple is married.
The government also polices religious practice.
Ashaari, the family patriarch, used to head an Islamic sect that was banned in 1994 as heretical because it projected Ashaari as an absolver of sinners.
Most of the Polygamy Club members belonged to the sect, and there's nothing illegal about how they live now, so long as they're Muslims.
For the one-third of the population that isn't Muslim, polygamy is unlawful.
The practice used to be more common but has dwindled to an estimated 2 percent of all Muslim marriages as women have become freer and careers have opened up for them.
The polygamists point out that the Prophet Muhammad is thought to have married about a dozen women in his lifetime, including widows in need of protection.
"Some people treat polygamy as a laughing matter because they do not fully comprehend it," says Ikramullah, a jovial businessman and son of his father's first wife.
"But a community that practices it would know that it is not bizarre. In fact, you would be teased if you were a man with only one wife."
The club claims to number 300 husbands and 700 wives.
It hopes to cultivate examples of happy households to counter women's rights activists who say some spouses and children suffer in polygamous marriages.
Club members say polygamy deters adultery and would improve the marriage prospects of ex-prostitutes if more men were available to marry them.
But Shahrizat Abdul Jalil, the Muslim female minister in charge of family policy, says polygamy "is not a culture that is encouraged in our society."
Sisters in Islam, an advocacy group campaigning against polygamy, says it isn't good for women.
"If people choose to be monogamous, there are enough men for every woman," it said in a statement to The Associated Press.
One opponent of polygamy is a 42-year-old business executive who asked to be identified only as Sharifah.
She said she threatened to divorce her husband of nearly 15 years after he told her last year that he had fallen in love with a divorced mother of three, felt she needed help, and wanted to marry her.
"I felt like my fairy tale had ended," Sharifah said.
"He was my soul mate. ... I couldn't believe it was happening. Then I started to scream at him."
She said some people told her that agreeing to a second wife would secure her place in heaven.
But Sharifah, the breadwinner for her two children and jobless husband, refused to give in. The couple underwent marriage counseling and Sharifah's husband has promised not to marry the other woman.
"Women have to make a stand. We are getting more progressive. We know our rights," she said. "I will not enter into a polygamous marriage. I know I deserve better."
Kartini, 41, says polygamy has served her well; while she was busy arguing court cases, her husband's first wife would cook, clean and look after the children.
"The wives can complement each other," she said.
"Of course, you miss your husband and there are natural feelings of competition and jealousy at first.
But after a while, you try to become friends and you learn that you can share your problems with each other."
The club says most of its husbands keep each spouse in a home of her own unless the women agree to live under one roof. Many husbands rotate their days among households.
The tight-knit family is concentrated in Rawang, a town outside Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia's largest city.
They gather for religious holidays and other festivities, such as a recent "Family Day" where they performed songs for each other and picnicked.
They mingle easily in public, chatting and joking like any ordinary family.
The club is funded by the family's grocery stores, restaurants and other businesses. It plans to offer matchmaking, wedding planning and marriage counseling.
Hatijah, who became the patriarch's fourth wife in 1982, used to be skeptical of polygamy, and agreed to the marriage because she worried that at 27, she was getting too old to find a husband.
Now 54 and a mother of eight, she says: "What is wrong with sharing a husband? I've been doing so for nearly 30 years." - AP
In my personal opinion, not everyone is willing to share her husband including me, not to say staying together in the same house. Even when my current boyfriend looking at other girls 'boobs' in shopping malls sometimes (I know its normal for guys) makes me feel a little bit shaky, will I even let him find another girlfriend but at the same time seeing me as well?? Hello there, of course not...I know I'm not a perfect practitioner in my own religion but I know what is polygamy roughly...
Islam has emphasized that taking advantage of the permission of polygamy is conditional on the observance of several factors and circumstances -as it will be explained later. If the man lacks those material and moral conditions, or he is not competent enough to satisfy all of them, then he will not be eligible to take more than one wife.
In today's modern life, man no longer understand what polygamy is...They may say they married a second wife to help that lady but the actual fact is, lust, greed and sex...How many 2nd wife that you see that is at the same age as that man..Let me guess, not even 10%..What you see now is just and old man (age 50++ sometimes walking with a 20 years old woman) married to a young women...What the f***?....
For example, I used to have a bad relationship experience (it make me sick when I think about it)..He got another women and I caught him live at the cyber cafe as well as his profile pic with that girl up in MySpace!!!!...I dumped him (lucky me)..Imagine if I'd married to him??? My life would be miserable...But honestly, I don't lose anything for dumping him instead the other way round. Most man who married more than 1 wife is not financially fit...Some are just a low income employee and how the hell he say he's married according to polygamy guideline????This is the reason why I never want to find a Muslim soulmate...First experience was a blow for me so I'm not that stupid to repeat the same mistake..
There are a lot of factors to consider before taking up a second wife and I bet the man today have not thought about that..What they have in their mind is, younger wife, nicer body, better sex life....Don't you dare(men out there) saying that those things have not been in your mind!!! Nonsense....
RAWANG: When she was practicing law, Kartini Maarof once went beyond the call of duty for her divorce client.
She arranged for Rohaya Mohamad, a mother of seven, to be married again - to Kartini's own husband.
The spouse they have shared for a decade is 43-year-old Ikramullah Ashaari, who has four wives and 17 children.
His 72-year-old father has 38 offspring from five marriages, without ever having flouted Islam's prescribed limit of four wives at a time.
Polygamy is legal for Muslims in Malaysia, though not widespread.
The Ashaari clan believes it should be.
Last month it launched a "Polygamy Club" that claims the noble aim of helping single mothers, reformed prostitutes and women who feel they are past the marrying age.
"We want to change the way people perceive polygamy, so that it will be seen as something beautiful instead of something disgusting," said Hatijah Aam, the founder of the club. She is the fourth wife of Ikramullah's father, Ashaari Muhammad.
Polygamy may seem out of place in an Asian democracy proud of its skyscrapers, high-tech skills and go-getter economy.
But it retains a foothold in this Muslim-majority country of 27 million where piety is deeply embedded and Muslims can be arrested for drinking alcohol or consorting with the opposite sex unless a couple is married.
The government also polices religious practice.
Ashaari, the family patriarch, used to head an Islamic sect that was banned in 1994 as heretical because it projected Ashaari as an absolver of sinners.
Most of the Polygamy Club members belonged to the sect, and there's nothing illegal about how they live now, so long as they're Muslims.
For the one-third of the population that isn't Muslim, polygamy is unlawful.
The practice used to be more common but has dwindled to an estimated 2 percent of all Muslim marriages as women have become freer and careers have opened up for them.
The polygamists point out that the Prophet Muhammad is thought to have married about a dozen women in his lifetime, including widows in need of protection.
"Some people treat polygamy as a laughing matter because they do not fully comprehend it," says Ikramullah, a jovial businessman and son of his father's first wife.
"But a community that practices it would know that it is not bizarre. In fact, you would be teased if you were a man with only one wife."
The club claims to number 300 husbands and 700 wives.
It hopes to cultivate examples of happy households to counter women's rights activists who say some spouses and children suffer in polygamous marriages.
Club members say polygamy deters adultery and would improve the marriage prospects of ex-prostitutes if more men were available to marry them.
But Shahrizat Abdul Jalil, the Muslim female minister in charge of family policy, says polygamy "is not a culture that is encouraged in our society."
Sisters in Islam, an advocacy group campaigning against polygamy, says it isn't good for women.
"If people choose to be monogamous, there are enough men for every woman," it said in a statement to The Associated Press.
One opponent of polygamy is a 42-year-old business executive who asked to be identified only as Sharifah.
She said she threatened to divorce her husband of nearly 15 years after he told her last year that he had fallen in love with a divorced mother of three, felt she needed help, and wanted to marry her.
"I felt like my fairy tale had ended," Sharifah said.
"He was my soul mate. ... I couldn't believe it was happening. Then I started to scream at him."
She said some people told her that agreeing to a second wife would secure her place in heaven.
But Sharifah, the breadwinner for her two children and jobless husband, refused to give in. The couple underwent marriage counseling and Sharifah's husband has promised not to marry the other woman.
"Women have to make a stand. We are getting more progressive. We know our rights," she said. "I will not enter into a polygamous marriage. I know I deserve better."
Kartini, 41, says polygamy has served her well; while she was busy arguing court cases, her husband's first wife would cook, clean and look after the children.
"The wives can complement each other," she said.
"Of course, you miss your husband and there are natural feelings of competition and jealousy at first.
But after a while, you try to become friends and you learn that you can share your problems with each other."
The club says most of its husbands keep each spouse in a home of her own unless the women agree to live under one roof. Many husbands rotate their days among households.
The tight-knit family is concentrated in Rawang, a town outside Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia's largest city.
They gather for religious holidays and other festivities, such as a recent "Family Day" where they performed songs for each other and picnicked.
They mingle easily in public, chatting and joking like any ordinary family.
The club is funded by the family's grocery stores, restaurants and other businesses. It plans to offer matchmaking, wedding planning and marriage counseling.
Hatijah, who became the patriarch's fourth wife in 1982, used to be skeptical of polygamy, and agreed to the marriage because she worried that at 27, she was getting too old to find a husband.
Now 54 and a mother of eight, she says: "What is wrong with sharing a husband? I've been doing so for nearly 30 years." - AP
In my personal opinion, not everyone is willing to share her husband including me, not to say staying together in the same house. Even when my current boyfriend looking at other girls 'boobs' in shopping malls sometimes (I know its normal for guys) makes me feel a little bit shaky, will I even let him find another girlfriend but at the same time seeing me as well?? Hello there, of course not...I know I'm not a perfect practitioner in my own religion but I know what is polygamy roughly...
Islam has emphasized that taking advantage of the permission of polygamy is conditional on the observance of several factors and circumstances -as it will be explained later. If the man lacks those material and moral conditions, or he is not competent enough to satisfy all of them, then he will not be eligible to take more than one wife.
In today's modern life, man no longer understand what polygamy is...They may say they married a second wife to help that lady but the actual fact is, lust, greed and sex...How many 2nd wife that you see that is at the same age as that man..Let me guess, not even 10%..What you see now is just and old man (age 50++ sometimes walking with a 20 years old woman) married to a young women...What the f***?....
For example, I used to have a bad relationship experience (it make me sick when I think about it)..He got another women and I caught him live at the cyber cafe as well as his profile pic with that girl up in MySpace!!!!...I dumped him (lucky me)..Imagine if I'd married to him??? My life would be miserable...But honestly, I don't lose anything for dumping him instead the other way round. Most man who married more than 1 wife is not financially fit...Some are just a low income employee and how the hell he say he's married according to polygamy guideline????This is the reason why I never want to find a Muslim soulmate...First experience was a blow for me so I'm not that stupid to repeat the same mistake..
There are a lot of factors to consider before taking up a second wife and I bet the man today have not thought about that..What they have in their mind is, younger wife, nicer body, better sex life....Don't you dare(men out there) saying that those things have not been in your mind!!! Nonsense....
Posted by
in love and dreams
After raya posta nd I'm still laughing

I'm still in the mood of my ex-school reunion...It was havoc!!!..Imagined we talk till wee hours and everyone's eyes are like pandas...It was nice to see that everyone is happy...I don't feel like coming back to Penang as it was a fun day out with the group.. We were not close at all during high school but now it feels like we have known each other so close...
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in love and dreams
my eyes are like panda due to excessive raya celebrations and i'm not sure whether the Boyfriend can still recognise me or not
I did not imagine how awesome this year's raya will be..The family did not went back to Singapore this time....We had high school reunion in Bukit Air then continue chi chat at mamak till 2.30am!!!!..Went back and by the time, I slept, it was almost 4am!!!..Woke up at 10, and BFF and the rest came to pick me up for 'jalan raya'.....We 'beraya' until 7pm..Alla and me went back to my house to have shower and went out again for the reunion dinner till 11.30...Then all of us convoyed to mamak and sat down till 2.30am....Went back to sleep, got up the next morning, went for 'beraya' again and they decided to go karaoke till 3am!!!!...Supposed to be until 1.30am only!!!...But we had a blast....It was f***ing fun...
We really had fun up to the point of giving up walking for raya....
We really had fun up to the point of giving up walking for raya....
Posted by
in love and dreams
pre Raya and reunion, here I come!!!!!!!!
Wow, its like another 3 days before raya...Its adik's birthday today. Have not bought anything for her yet as not enough $ in hand (just as excuse)...Anyway, I'll save some money aside to buy her something nice...
I'm going back to Perlis tomorrow (took half day leave)..Fuh, I'm soooo excited...Sleep on my bed, hot shower, my own smelly bolster...Wah!!!! Bestnyer...Mummy's cooking my favourite, ayam masak merah, kurma daging and nasi minyak for our open house and I have to help her this time...Dah besar dah...Adoiii la...I hate the washing part...
Preparations for Hari Raya dah habis...Too bad that this year I did not buy any new shoes...Will be earing my old shoes (bought but never been worn)...
Not going back to Singapore this year..This mean no 'duit raya'...*sorb*
Btw, I'm currently addicted at reading people's blog and most of the blog stated what does the blogger likes to shop...I know they have the right to post anything as it is their blog but don't they feel its like bragging about themselves...Trying to show-off what they have in an indirect way??...Sick you know.
I'm going back to Perlis tomorrow (took half day leave)..Fuh, I'm soooo excited...Sleep on my bed, hot shower, my own smelly bolster...Wah!!!! Bestnyer...Mummy's cooking my favourite, ayam masak merah, kurma daging and nasi minyak for our open house and I have to help her this time...Dah besar dah...Adoiii la...I hate the washing part...
Preparations for Hari Raya dah habis...Too bad that this year I did not buy any new shoes...Will be earing my old shoes (bought but never been worn)...
Not going back to Singapore this year..This mean no 'duit raya'...*sorb*
Btw, I'm currently addicted at reading people's blog and most of the blog stated what does the blogger likes to shop...I know they have the right to post anything as it is their blog but don't they feel its like bragging about themselves...Trying to show-off what they have in an indirect way??...Sick you know.
Posted by
in love and dreams
Nak main bunga api..yeay yeay..heading back to hometown for raya this coming weekend
My best friend is heading back to Kedah today and I'm still stuck at work..Uurrgghh!!! She'll be driving down with her brother...So jealous she has a car....I'll be going back to Perlis on Friday afternoon. Not sure whether will ask the Boyfriend to send me until Alor Star or I'll be going straight by bus to Perlis...Anyway as long as I reach home...
I'm sooooooo friggin excited about the reunion on Monday (21st Sept). We'll be having reunion with some of my exschool mate (SMKPutra). Some of them might be bringing their kids and husband... It still feels like we just finished our high school last year (nonsense!!!)..How time waits for no one ;-(...But yet, evryone of us still managed to keep in touch...People that I never used to like has now become friends. It was childish I can say but that was years back..See how adulthood can make people change now...
Work wise????? Still hangin' on but so desperate for other job...I searched through Intel page and saw a few vacancy that require Degree in BBA/Finance or something similar to it...I meet the requirement but attending the interview is another nightmare...I'm not afraid of public speaking ( i know i'm weird)....The questions they ask are like subjects that I studied in my first term of degree or diploma years....How could I remember...GOSH!!!...I'm interested, and its part of my plan to work in the finance industry....But, the process of getting there is not like what I have in mind....
I'm sooooooo friggin excited about the reunion on Monday (21st Sept). We'll be having reunion with some of my exschool mate (SMKPutra). Some of them might be bringing their kids and husband... It still feels like we just finished our high school last year (nonsense!!!)..How time waits for no one ;-(...But yet, evryone of us still managed to keep in touch...People that I never used to like has now become friends. It was childish I can say but that was years back..See how adulthood can make people change now...
Work wise????? Still hangin' on but so desperate for other job...I searched through Intel page and saw a few vacancy that require Degree in BBA/Finance or something similar to it...I meet the requirement but attending the interview is another nightmare...I'm not afraid of public speaking ( i know i'm weird)....The questions they ask are like subjects that I studied in my first term of degree or diploma years....How could I remember...GOSH!!!...I'm interested, and its part of my plan to work in the finance industry....But, the process of getting there is not like what I have in mind....
Posted by
in love and dreams
Syawal kian tiba
Syawal is this Sunday and I'm so excited...Excited to meet my old friends..We studied in the same school 8 years ago (it shows that I'm getting older)..Going back to Perlis on Friday as I took half day....I hope its not jam or the bus ticket is sold out...If not, the Boyfriend will have to send me all the way to Alor Star...Anyway, even if there's ticket available, I still ask the Boyfriend to send me (not always ok, I'm not that cruel)....
Anyway, I would like to take this opportunity to wish all my friends ( ex-SmkPutra, ex-classmate UNITAR 2004-2009 batch, former Maxis colleague, former Celebrity Fitness colleague) a very Happy Syawal...May this Syawal bring happiness and prosperity to you and your family...Maaf zahir dan batin...
Anyway, I would like to take this opportunity to wish all my friends ( ex-SmkPutra, ex-classmate UNITAR 2004-2009 batch, former Maxis colleague, former Celebrity Fitness colleague) a very Happy Syawal...May this Syawal bring happiness and prosperity to you and your family...Maaf zahir dan batin...
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in love and dreams
never forgive a guy who hits you the first time and this post for the people who have been with me through sadness and happiness
I set out on a narrow way many years ago
Hoping I would find true love along the broken road
But I got lost a time or two
Wiped my brow and kept pushing through
I couldn't see how every sign pointed straight to you
Every long lost dream led me to where you are
Others who broke my heart they were like northern stars
Pointing me on my way into your loving arms
This much I know is true
That God blessed the broken road
That led me straight to youI think about the years I spent just passing through
I'd like to have the time I lost and give it back to you
But you just smile and take my hand
You've been there you understandIt's all part of a grander plan that is coming trueEvery long lost dream led me to where you are
Others who broke my heart they were like northern stars
Pointing me on my way into your loving arms
This much I know is true
That God blessed the broken road
That led me straight to youNow I'm just rollin' home into my lover's arms
This much I know is true
That God blessed the broken road that led me straight to you
Well, my anniversary with the Boyfriend is counting down the days and I'm very excited..Apart from graduating, meeting my bestfriend and celebrating anniversary with my loved one, a little side of me still remembers the tough time that I had to go through before achieving the happiness I have now. I tried to forget at times and try not to remember a thing about it or act as if it never happened but I can't....Its very painful that sometimes, facing the Boyfriend or my parents make me feel soooo guilty...Guilty of not able to be a daughter that can take care of herself despite of her family teaching, guilty and shame that I have a bad history that doesn't mind to the Boyfriend...I'm trying my best to be the best girlfriend for him but sometimes it doesn't seem to be enough... 2 years has past since the 'nightmare relationship' but I still feel like it happened just yesterday.. I pray everyday, praying that he won't show up in front of my doorstep or anywhere (wherever I am) or his number appear on my hp screen...The rage and anger is still inside of me even though it was 2 years ago...I didn't have the guts to stand up to him, I don't have the guts to do what I supposed to do, I don't have the guts to stand up myself, my own pride and dignity....I was drained inside but yet I was stupid to continue the relationship... Even his family and friends looked at me as I'm the guilty one ( I know part of it was my fault)...I knew I never had a bright future with him but I kept reminding myself that people can change but I was so wrong...But instead of dumping him and leave the useless relationship, I decided to carry on with him...Giving him the chance each time he make mistakes hoping that he'll change somehow or rather...I gave everything I have in me as I thought it would be worth while, and again I was wrong...Meeting him at the first place was the stupidess mistake I have done in my entire life...I should have walk away but I was naive....I don't see my previous relationship as a typical guy-and-girl-breakup relationship...It dragged my life away up to the point that I don't realize that I've lose my friends around me...I don't the good thing when my friends tried to help me....My life evolved around him...I have never used to work in my entire life, but when I met him, I had to work for that extra cash just to support...You can say that I'm stupid because it is true (i am stupid, at that time)...I used to have what I want in life, a caring family (not like his broken family, where he comes from)...I don't eat Maggi for lunch and dinner straight or don't even have the cash to pour petrol...
Well, maybe the part I have a change of heart towards another human while in the relationship was a no-no thing but would you want to live with a guy that hurts you most of the time instead of sharing your ups and downs together, make you happy, make you looking forward to meet him everyday after your class???? I'm stupid enough so don't follow my footsteps. It's hard to put down everything into this blog and I hope I can educate people roughly.
When I first got hit in the face, I cried but then I forgive him the next day as he beg for forgiveness...Promised that he won't do it again...I should walk away from this relationship after the first hit but I chose to stay because I believed in him. He made so many promises and sweet talk but it is all bullshit and full of craps...Then, it starts to drain me away from my friends, my pwn personal time, but I didn't see it coming until the Boyfriend called me to ask how am I doing (after got beaten the last time)...I soon realized I derserve someone better than him...I slowly pick up the courage to explore the world I've once lost....I skipped from work many times (not that I want to but because of the bruises I had on my face)....I feel so ashame with my friends and people who knows me...
This is not even 1/4 of the real thing that happened....But one thing for sure, it made me stronger and blessed with family, friends and loved one who cares and shower me with love all the way..
To all the girls out there, never ever accept someone who beats you up (then say he loves you), make you look stupid in front of his friends, or always give excuses for not going out with you or ask you for money(saying that he'll pay back but in fact he won't). Don't lose your dignity and pride for this kind of man and I can assure that it will haunt you forever and it will be the most regretful thing ever in your life because I have chose that path before but I turned back in time...
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in love and dreams
Graduations and meeting my best friend

I'm counting down the day when I'll be walking down the stage to receive my graduation scroll..
Flight ticket has been booked...Has informed my very best friend to pick me up from the airport..I'm so excited....Excited for the graduation as well as I get to meet my best friend..I told her that we'll be hanging out together as much as possible...I still miss those school day though...How time goes by... Raya is around the corner...I've prepared everything...But not new shoes...I'll be wearing shoes that I bought but never been worn before(not even once, ok)..... I guess the most exciting about graduation is that, everyone will be wearing the same robe as you're regardless of whether they manage to graduate because they cheated in exam or etc....The only thing that differetiate each other is you know how much effort you have put into making your dream comes true...Apart from that, graduation means the mark of endless working life awaits you...You're no longer have the privilege of skipping class, copy your classmate's assignment, hire someone to do your assignment or cheat in class...You're on your own feet now...You'll have to wake up earlier even though its hard....Punch your card into the timer machine in office, check your emails, maybe sometimes overtime...It's a different set of activities..Totally different....
When I first work (october last year), the first thing that crossed my mind was....'Shit, I have to pay my own house rent and bills'....Soon, it became easier and it teaches me on how to manage my money wisely....I no longer shop vigorously like how I used to when daddy and mummy still giving me pocket money....I had to plan my expenses (daily and monthly).....You'll cherish your hard-earned money more...I miss those high school and college years....Not because I don't have to work but more to friendship that we built with each other..The bond that existed between us grew stronger till today....We never fail to stand by each other and support each other when the tide gets rough....We never leave each other no matter what....Plain and simple life as a student....Nothing to worry and no responsibilities... Well, no one grows younger right....I know people change but one thing for sure, my bestfriends will never change and I love them...
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in love and dreams
graduation date
Daddy called me yesterday. He said the graduation invitations has arrived..I'm so excited..Has applied for my leave and am going by Air Asia..Woohoo...
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in love and dreams
today is not a promising day
Everything seems to fall apart today...Argued with Ms.J...And now I feel annoyed...She asked me to inform the janitor to see her when he comes in...But she informed me after the janitor took the pantry keys....and she thought I did not inform janitor...Then some misunderstanding happened...Lazy to blab about it...
Bought a new guinea pig for Russell's companion...Afraid that she might get lonely....We named her Max (as in Maxine)...She's small and adorable and not to mention, damn quick!!!!...Maybe she's just afraid as she is not use to it...
Bought a new guinea pig for Russell's companion...Afraid that she might get lonely....We named her Max (as in Maxine)...She's small and adorable and not to mention, damn quick!!!!...Maybe she's just afraid as she is not use to it...
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in love and dreams
Kasper went to see God

Well, the past few days was a bit gloomy for me, the Boyfriend and Russell (the guinea pig). Kasper 'left' us without we managed to say goodbye...Even though he joined the family 4 months ago, the bond that existed between the 3 of us has made us realised how important they were...Even though they're just tiny little rodents...Kasper made us laugh a lot with her cheekiness...She was Russell's best friend and she's the naughtiest compared to Russell...What sadden me the most was, the morning Kasper's died, Russell wanted to wake her up using her nose but sadly she did not make it through the night...So Russell sat still beside her just to accompany her...I guess she knew that Kasper is going to leave her...Kasper has been very quiet for the past few days, so does Russell but I did not realise something amiss untill 3 days back...When Kasper was sitting lifelessly...She couldn't chew herself or drink water herself...Thought of taking her to the vet the morning she died...The night before, I knew that she will not make it through the night but somehow deep inside me, I told her to be strong but I guess that God loves her more...I cried....When I saw the Boyfriend carrying without she even jumping..And I knew that there's nothing I could do. I miss her a lot... Really a lot...Russell no longer running around in their 'compound' like how she used to when Kasper was still around...They would sniff each other, sit, sleep and eat together...
I have never felt this close to my pet before...Maybe because the Boyfriend taught me on how to cherish and love your pet...He said, animals are like humans, they have feelings but they don't know how to show it...The only way to do it is through tears and through their eyes...
Anyway, another story is we went for movie marathon last weeked (me, Khang, Fifi, the Boyfriend)...We watched Oprhan and Final Destination...FD was lame and looked fake compare to the old one...What a waste...But Orphan was good as the little girl acted as Esther looked real...A lot of surprises instead of horror...But the images are graphical so not really suitable for 18 and below....Khang closed his face while watching Orphan...I thought I was the scary cat...Hahahahaha..What a shame...The day after, Khang got headache...Hhmm...
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in love and dreams
Weekends are coming
Pretty much laidback for the past few days...Cooked grilled bbq beef with black pepper sauce...It was a disaster but force to eat...The Boyfriend ate 4 pieces of beef (which includes mine,hehehe). Marinated prawn yesterday night for today's menu (grill prawn and pizza)...I hope it turn out better today...Fifi asked us out this Sunday for movie...
Its boring Friday..Not much work and hope it will remain this way till the end of the day...
Its boring Friday..Not much work and hope it will remain this way till the end of the day...
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in love and dreams
My dad does not own this company
Well, its Wednesday and still hanging on to my work...Very boring...Mr.V is back in office...I think he was on leave yesterday..No wonder the office is kind of quiet...Nothing much to do today..Checking emails, pantry, and usual task...Everything seems 'blur' today and I'm still thinking what to cook today...
I'm still in a quest of searching other jobs available...I'm doing dead-end job...Colleauges are ok except people like Mr.V...
Nothing to blab today..No plans for the weekends yet..Supposed to watch Orphan last weekend but surprisingly there was no show..Hhmm...
I'm still in a quest of searching other jobs available...I'm doing dead-end job...Colleauges are ok except people like Mr.V...
Nothing to blab today..No plans for the weekends yet..Supposed to watch Orphan last weekend but surprisingly there was no show..Hhmm...
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in love and dreams
Weekend was hhmm....
Weekend was fine...Followed mummy and daddy back to Perlis on Saturday...They came down on Thursday..Daddy bought a microwave cum grill for me....Yayyy!!.Met up with Wan and Pak Don to discuss on our reunion matter...Quite confusing actually...Hhmm... The Boyfriend picked me up at jetty on Sunday...Went straight to Gurney Plaza to buy my bolster (mummy threw away my old bolster)...So sad...Bought it at Home's Harmony (50% discount, not that cheap even after discount)...
Went for movie yesterday...Watched Imagine That (main cast is Eddie Murphy)...Was funny and a few touching-heart moments.... The crowd was a bit less yesterday and ate Pastamania for dinner...I ordered something fishy (new menu) which doesn't taste nice at all...So I end up eating the Boyfriend's pizza...hahahaha..We shared mineral water...Then went Cold Storage afterwards to buy some groceries..Bought mostly frozen food just to test out the new microwave...hahaah...
Spend Merdeka eve in Slippery Senoritas with Khang and the Boyfriend...Fun even though it was a last minute plan!!!!!...The place was crowded towards the end...We managed to get a seat at the bar(of course we did as we were there since 10.45..Gosh)...We thought the place would be packed but no...Halfway through, we met up with Adrian...He's fat!!! OMG...We sat at the same bar...Everyone's laughing...Then, bumped into Sharmini (didn't expect that)...Nothing happen that night..No chairs or tables were thrown down (we sat at the same spot where the chairs and tables were thrown down last few weeks cause by some stupid idiotic creatures)..My eyes were 'running' around to see, just in case....Stupid...Me and Khang were dancing all night and I turned around to be amazed, seeing the Boyfriend is dancing as well.............................with other girl... The same crowd as us...We went back at around 4am...We woke up at about 4pm....Khang have to wake up at 9am....hahaha..as he have some kind of training the next morning...He was so excited for that 2 so-called hour training (because the trainer was a pretty lady)... Pervert... Hahahaha.....
Went for movie yesterday...Watched Imagine That (main cast is Eddie Murphy)...Was funny and a few touching-heart moments.... The crowd was a bit less yesterday and ate Pastamania for dinner...I ordered something fishy (new menu) which doesn't taste nice at all...So I end up eating the Boyfriend's pizza...hahahaha..We shared mineral water...Then went Cold Storage afterwards to buy some groceries..Bought mostly frozen food just to test out the new microwave...hahaah...
Spend Merdeka eve in Slippery Senoritas with Khang and the Boyfriend...Fun even though it was a last minute plan!!!!!...The place was crowded towards the end...We managed to get a seat at the bar(of course we did as we were there since 10.45..Gosh)...We thought the place would be packed but no...Halfway through, we met up with Adrian...He's fat!!! OMG...We sat at the same bar...Everyone's laughing...Then, bumped into Sharmini (didn't expect that)...Nothing happen that night..No chairs or tables were thrown down (we sat at the same spot where the chairs and tables were thrown down last few weeks cause by some stupid idiotic creatures)..My eyes were 'running' around to see, just in case....Stupid...Me and Khang were dancing all night and I turned around to be amazed, seeing the Boyfriend is dancing as well.............................with other girl... The same crowd as us...We went back at around 4am...We woke up at about 4pm....Khang have to wake up at 9am....hahaha..as he have some kind of training the next morning...He was so excited for that 2 so-called hour training (because the trainer was a pretty lady)... Pervert... Hahahaha.....
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in love and dreams
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