Well, it is Thrusday and one more day to go before we hit the weekend. But it doesn't seem exciting for me....I'll have to leave the Boyfriend behind to spend time with the family...I've been doing some thinking for the past few days about bringing the Boyfriend to meet daddy..I asked him but he seems nervous and shy...Ahahahaha...I'm not sure when is the best time to do....Hhmm...Maybe not now...
Well, me annd my best friend is trying to put together all the things for our reunion during raya. It is a bit of frustration as some of our ex-colleague did not agree with the price of RM30 that we set..We ere thinking of doing it big as this is a reunion of after 8 years...Hmm...Sh'es helping me to send out messages to all the classmates that we have in contact..Looks like it's not an easy task after all...
Nothing to blab today except one thing which I just remembered..Something about Mr.Vincent... Ahahaha..Stupid idiot...
In the mood of killing someone
To start the day off, I logged into my FB account and checked my Reastaurant City game...Hahah..Life is great in Intel except if you have to deal with a bunch of moorons...Hahah..
Mr.V irritates me again.Now regarding the water dispenser. I don't want to elaborate much as this will bring bad luck to me...Even his shadow is a curse to me....
Daddy and mummy are coming tommorow...Gosh!!! So that mean the Boyfriend will have to be away...Uurrgghh!!! So sad...But at the same time I'm excited as this means shopping...
Nothing to 'blab' for the past few days. National day is next Monday and still don't have plans for it. Hari Raya is in 3 weeks time and I'm sooooo excited to attend my high school reunion....
Mr.V irritates me again.Now regarding the water dispenser. I don't want to elaborate much as this will bring bad luck to me...Even his shadow is a curse to me....
Daddy and mummy are coming tommorow...Gosh!!! So that mean the Boyfriend will have to be away...Uurrgghh!!! So sad...But at the same time I'm excited as this means shopping...
Nothing to 'blab' for the past few days. National day is next Monday and still don't have plans for it. Hari Raya is in 3 weeks time and I'm sooooo excited to attend my high school reunion....
Posted by
in love and dreams
Salam Ramadhan and was on MC yesterday

Its been days back after my last post. First story, I was down with flu since Thursday. Thought it was nothing but came Saturday and the flu still there. Went to see a doctor and he gave a cough syrup(which tasted awful), antibiotic and flu medication...I asked for liquid one and the nurse kind of baby laugh at me...Hahahaha...I hate pills.
Daddy and mummy are coming down this week. Not sure when...Not to say I don't feel happy but they come too often and sometimes I pity the Boyfriend...Hhmm...Going back to Perlis this weekend...Miss home cooked food....ALOT!!!!...
Weekend was OK. Watched Dance Flick and Up in 3D(the 3D spec is 3x bigger that my face).. I slept halfway through watching Dance Flick...Boring!!!...While for Up...Ok but not much of laughing part....The fat kid part was cute though..Ahahahaha
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in love and dreams
today is horrible and I don't feel well
To start off, I received a very uncomfortable email from Mr.V and it made my heart stop for a moment thinking how could he do such thing to me...Need not mention here as it causes heart ache to me....I hate him alot.......
The Boyfriend is back in Penang. Me and Khang went to the bus station to pick him up. We waited about 1 hour. During lunch hour with Khang, I don't know why. Me and Khang kept on laughing non-stop...He's sooooo funny...Nice to have a best friend like him...And Khang asked me to pick him up as it was raining heavily yesterday....I slept like a pig, you know.
The Boyfriend is back in Penang. Me and Khang went to the bus station to pick him up. We waited about 1 hour. During lunch hour with Khang, I don't know why. Me and Khang kept on laughing non-stop...He's sooooo funny...Nice to have a best friend like him...And Khang asked me to pick him up as it was raining heavily yesterday....I slept like a pig, you know.
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in love and dreams
The Boyfriend is coming back today and little miss is happy
Well, the Boyfriend masged me this morning saying that he's coming back today. Hahaha. I knew it. I miss him a lot though. Ms.J is not around today as she is attending some meeting. I feel so glad. Going out for lunch later with Khang. Hhmm. Haven't decide where to eat yet.
Nothing to brag today...
Nothing to brag today...
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in love and dreams
i feel unappreciated and demotivated.feels like kicking Mr.V in the ball as he derserves it...

Today will be my first day without the Boyfriend as he's in KL for some assessment thing. Send him to the office at 6.20am!!!Mr.V is pissing me off by telling my colleague that his team under utillized me...How do you feel that???It is depressing you know....The Boyfriend is not here as well...I feel so down. Going for dinner with Khang and Delon tonight. Dunno where yet.
Anyway, weekend was awesome as the Group hung out together (as usual gossiping about people)...We went Sushi King. Food was ok but best part of all, the Boyfriend tagged along...It was so cool. I so love him. All of us watched Aliens in the Attic (cute, stupid and funny, all in one)
Went for lunch with Khang (unplanned)...Nothing much to talk as we save it for tonight.Hahaha. He's my Astro, you know...
I miss the Boyfriend so much...
Posted by
in love and dreams
Mr.V demands a lot and he is a sissy. My best friend got his first job..
The Boyfriend managed to find some of the head lice nits yesterday. Take about 1.5 hours to finish but I bet there's bit more left on the head. Anyway, I'll use the shampoo made for head lice 7 days after 1st attenot (it would be on the 19th)..Fingers crossed...So I called daddy yesterday as I received 2 missed calls from him...I'm not good in putting my hp beside me and when I sleep, I sleep 'dead'...So don't expect me to pick up the phone....If you were in an accident, I'm the wrong person for you to call....Me and The boyfriend always argue about that....
Second story of the day. So I emailed Mr.V telling him self-ordered pantry items are finishing...He said he want to take a look at the storage room where we kept the things....I told him Kopi 'O' is finishing and he asked me to mix and match all the 3 in 1 drinks....These engineers are so pathetic. I said we already have self made nescaffe, what's the point of ordering packs of kopi 'O'...He said many people don't like it...OMG, they sould be greatful as they have tonnes of food in the pantry for them to choose from...Don't like it, buy on your own and stack them in your cube....End of story...
It is Friday today and I don't feel excited instead I feel very down...Don't know why...My 'pocket' is frying up and this is just middle of the month...Going for lunch with the Boyfriend later..Thinking what to eat..You see, Penang is not that big compare to Perlis (listen up Boyfriend), so the food is not much of variety...Even though people said, Penang is heaven of food. For people like me, it is not heaven...I still prefer mummy's homecooked food....*drooling*.
I'm reading a Singaporean married lady currently and her blog looks fascinating. With pictures on what's going on in her everyday life...And she's pretty.I love to watch women passing by...NOT that I'm a lesbian but because have different fashion style to lok at and to copy..Haha.. Men are just simple and plain (except those who are sissy)..Men usually wear shorts, sneaker, pant, t-shirt...*boring*
No plans for the weekend but maybe going for dinner with Khang...He's working in INtel as well...At last I have another chat buddy apart from Munyis...This is his second day. Nothing much to be proud of working in Intel actually. It does sounds 'wow' but its empty...Stress and ridiculously people...Sometimes their request are nonsense..
Second story of the day. So I emailed Mr.V telling him self-ordered pantry items are finishing...He said he want to take a look at the storage room where we kept the things....I told him Kopi 'O' is finishing and he asked me to mix and match all the 3 in 1 drinks....These engineers are so pathetic. I said we already have self made nescaffe, what's the point of ordering packs of kopi 'O'...He said many people don't like it...OMG, they sould be greatful as they have tonnes of food in the pantry for them to choose from...Don't like it, buy on your own and stack them in your cube....End of story...
It is Friday today and I don't feel excited instead I feel very down...Don't know why...My 'pocket' is frying up and this is just middle of the month...Going for lunch with the Boyfriend later..Thinking what to eat..You see, Penang is not that big compare to Perlis (listen up Boyfriend), so the food is not much of variety...Even though people said, Penang is heaven of food. For people like me, it is not heaven...I still prefer mummy's homecooked food....*drooling*.
I'm reading a Singaporean married lady currently and her blog looks fascinating. With pictures on what's going on in her everyday life...And she's pretty.I love to watch women passing by...NOT that I'm a lesbian but because have different fashion style to lok at and to copy..Haha.. Men are just simple and plain (except those who are sissy)..Men usually wear shorts, sneaker, pant, t-shirt...*boring*
No plans for the weekend but maybe going for dinner with Khang...He's working in INtel as well...At last I have another chat buddy apart from Munyis...This is his second day. Nothing much to be proud of working in Intel actually. It does sounds 'wow' but its empty...Stress and ridiculously people...Sometimes their request are nonsense..
Posted by
in love and dreams
Transexual, accept or push them far away...i cut my hair
Well, today's topic would be slightly haevy as I'll be talking about transexual. I watched a video of a Singaporean transexual (KUMAR) ending up doing stand-up comedy and being paid for that. He even have to dress up on stage...The video tells a thousand stories of his life, childhood years and current life. It was amazing. The last video (there's part 1,2 and 3) were tearful (maybe not for some of you)...But this is what he said... 'if you have dreams, go for it. Don't bother what people say because at the end of the day, you, yourself would have to decide what you want in your life and your future. If you're doing something bad, people talk bad about you. If you do good deeds, people will still talk bad about you. So why bother?'. You'll live your life once so why not start thinking for your self instead of thinking what others will think about you.... He said he went through a lot in order to be what he is today. He gets to travel, make tonned of money despite being a stand up comedian...Hhmm...His words are very motivational. Not to say I don't favor transexual but because I don't have one friend who is that. Its just weird a guy,who, dress up like a girl, talk to you in a manly voice. Just that.
My head lice story : Use dhead lice medication yesterday night. Leave it almost 3 hours. It feels better now, need to find the nits...Which the Boyfriend will have to do.
My head lice story : Use dhead lice medication yesterday night. Leave it almost 3 hours. It feels better now, need to find the nits...Which the Boyfriend will have to do.
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in love and dreams
Head lice and f***ing irritating, Mr.V
Though no one can go back and make a brand new start, anyone can start from now and make brand new ending.
- Carl Bard
First of all, I have head lice!!!!!!!!!!!!!!I don't know where on earth I got it...I shampooed my hair everyday...My hygiene is great...I'm a clean person...I've been having this itching on my head for past few month and I thought it was some kind of allergy until yesterday.............................I found a head lice on my finger while scratching my head.I press it and came the 'pop' sound and I was like....SHIT!!!!!I have head lice.....Going to the pharmancy later during lunch time...Can't take the itching anymore. This is just one problem.
I've been rushing whole morning until I forget to top up the pantry and Mr.V sent me and email (CCed to Ms.J as well)...He is such a jerk and I hate him...He's bringing attention to every details of my actions...Why can't he come to my desk and enquire directly to me????I guess he's having some kind of 'attention disorder'...Lame and pathetic sissy!!!!!....Just because he's promoted recently, he wants to perform...Suck your own ass sucker....He's so irritating and kiss ass person you know...If you were in my position, I bet you'll cursing him loudly!!!I still have the patience though...He's not worth the arguements. People like him should just be ignore or give him a silent treatment..Should not explode...
Went for lunch with The Boyfriend. Stop by pharmacy to buy a bottle of stupid lice shampoo and lice comb..Why does the lice invade my head....???This is so humiliating and disgusting. I told the pharmacist that it was for my sister.........Bluekkk!!!
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in love and dreams
Mr.V is making my life miserable again and he's so snobby
I'm going through a very bad day for the past few days....Job burn...
Today is the story of a guy at my workplace who annoys me almost everyday. Giving me stupid task, which he himself can do it...instead he asked me...Just because his position is higher than mine, he thinks that he can ask me to do anything....And guess what, I don't feel like working here anymore. The feeling gets stronger each day. I'm eyeing for another job actually. This job is making me cripple inside...Boring and dead end job. Plus trying to meet engineers nonsense demand, making me feel left out. In the sense that, I feel like I'm a 'slave' for these people even though not every one of them. Some are nice...There's no motivation at all. Every morning I force myself up and get ready for work. Daddy said, you have to make the job interesting...I tried but nothing change...
Well, took hald day leave yesterday and went to watch G.I Joe : Rise of the Cobra. It was a good movie. Packed with actions, sexy and hot girls...and not to forget, handsome 'people'... Ahahahaha. Overall, they still can't beat Transformers...
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in love and dreams
a weekend with the family
top : Bought by mummy during her trip to India
belt : thekooky-thing
pants : Thai fair in Ipoh Parade
slipper : Ipanama by Giselle
Bag : Liz Clairbone
Well, weekend was great!!...First sentence as a start...Went for a last minute trip to Ipoh with my parents...Just the 3 of us as adik was away in Johor for her brass band competition...Bought a few things....When daddy reached Penang, he called me to meet up with him in QB, first thing I bought was a CROCS Havana. It was super comfortable but since it is a new pair, so I developed a small little blister...

The family get-together trip was nice. So I told daddy, maybe we could go for a drive around Malaysia during Chinese New Year next year...First stop would surely be Kuala Trengganu... Ipoh trip was good even though it is just one day and also an unplanned trip. We spent on food, clothes for me and adik...hahaha..Plus it was Jusco sales (Kinta City). Mummy bought a slow cooker as the old one is going to 'retire' anytime...Hahaha..When we reach Penang, I feel a bit of emotions as daddy and mummy would have to go back and I'll be stuck in Penang....Hhmm... Plus today, working as usual but I'll be on half day today...hehehe
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in love and dreams
Its Friday...Free from 'hell' for the next 2 days.
To start off the day, one word............BORING!!!...Seriously...The Boyfriend came late for my lunch as he overslept!!! Stupid...Daddy and mummy is coming today...Will be going to Ipoh tommorow morning...Yeehaa....This means shopping...It's great especially adik is not around...He band thingy...I don't care...
Mr.V doesn't give me any trouble today.Thank God.
Posted by
in love and dreams
mouth infection and i don't feel good

Synopsis : Ghosts of Girlfriends Past -- the Mark S. Waters directed fusion of A Christmas Carol with a traditional romantic comedy -- stars Matthew McConaughey as Connor Mead, a famous photographer and confirmed womanizer. He takes a break from his playboy lifestyle to attend his brother's wedding, where he becomes reacquainted with Jenny Perotti (Jennifer Garner), the only girl who ever captured his heart. After Connor delivers a drunken speech at the rehearsal dinner where he says that love isn't real, he's met in the bathroom by the ghost of his Uncle Wayne (Michael Dogulas), a Hefner-esque horndog who taught Conner everything he knows about picking up chicks. Uncle Wayne informs Connor that, over the course of the evening, he'll be visited by three ghosts who will lead him through his romantic past, present, and future. Will Connor learn to get over himself and love the right woman, or will he remain an emotional Scrooge? ~ Perry Seibert, All Movie Guide
I was on MC yesterday after 4 months of working. Not that I purposely took MC but because my lips got swollen and I thought it was one of my allergies,so I took my allergy meds...But as hours goes by, the swollen does not fade away..So I decided to go to the clinic and to my shock, doctor said, my lips has been infected....I got scare and the Boyfriend called me Duffy Duck!!!... So he gave me some medication for 3 days and said if it doesn't heal, come back again for another type of medicine.
Even though I was on MC, the Boyfriend asked me out for movie...Hehehe...We went Gurney Plaza to watch The Ghost of Girlfriend's Past...It was a comedy and a bit of touching moments.. Nice to watch and can consider to watch it for the second time...Not much of work today but a lot of annoyance especially from Mr.V ( can't post his real name for the sake of intergrity...F*** intergrity if it comes to this guy)....He's a pain in the ass you know...
Posted by
in love and dreams
gloomy,loomy and a pot of rice.
the day started with me checking my emails...Just in case someone need my 'help' or being their cheap slave...*winding away*....Well, called daddy yesterday. He said adik is going to Johor for her brass band competition..Good luck Dianah...And he said, he and mummy might be coming down to Penang...*crap*....Just planned to go Penang Hill with the Boyfriend...Well, guess I'll have to cancel it...
Though of taking half day leave next Monday just to surprise the Boyfriend...IMed with Munyis yesterday and guess what, we are officially a 'couple'..............BUT only through IM...2 lonely monkeys felt bored at work...I told him that, we have clowns outside out workspace, therefore we both can only be together through instant messaging... We were at the edge of death,due to boredom....Imagine that...Lame isn't it....
Cooked nasi tomato yesterday with beef curry...It was awesome!!! The Boyfriend ate finish and even add twice the rice. The day before, cooked nasi minyak with ayam masak merah...We both finished the whole ayam merah and whole pot of rice.......FULL and HAPPY.... Its not that I'm trying to brag about being a good cook..Hahaha..Just trying to tell I have successfully being one step away to be a perfect cook....I salute myself....As no one will do that...
Though of taking half day leave next Monday just to surprise the Boyfriend...IMed with Munyis yesterday and guess what, we are officially a 'couple'..............BUT only through IM...2 lonely monkeys felt bored at work...I told him that, we have clowns outside out workspace, therefore we both can only be together through instant messaging... We were at the edge of death,due to boredom....Imagine that...Lame isn't it....
Cooked nasi tomato yesterday with beef curry...It was awesome!!! The Boyfriend ate finish and even add twice the rice. The day before, cooked nasi minyak with ayam masak merah...We both finished the whole ayam merah and whole pot of rice.......FULL and HAPPY.... Its not that I'm trying to brag about being a good cook..Hahaha..Just trying to tell I have successfully being one step away to be a perfect cook....I salute myself....As no one will do that...
Posted by
in love and dreams
weekend with the group

shoe : Vincci
bag : Liz Clairborne
jeans : Roxy

Weekend was awesome. Went for movie with my group. the Boyfriend tagged along. It was nice overall...Went back at around 10pm++...Tiring but fun...We watched The Proposal...featuring Sandra Bullock and Ryan Reynolds...He's sooooo cute....

Synopsis : A book editor is forced to marry her male assistant in order to stay in the country. When they travel to Alaska to meet his family, the new couple has to fake their way through a surprise wedding thrown by his parents.
This movie is full of laughter and tears towards the end...nice movie to watch...can consider to watch it for the second time...
Watched Land of The Lost on Saturday night with The Boyfriend...Damn stupid movie but we laughed throughout the movie...I was the loudest....Imagine this.....how can a T-Rex be friends with a human???...This is not even 1/4 of the movie...You'll see more stupidity when you watch it yourself...

Synopsis : Has-been scientist Dr. Rick Marshall, sucked into one and spat back through time. Way back. Now, Marshall has no weapons, few skills and questionable smarts to survive in an alternate universe full of marauding dinosaurs and fantastic creatures from beyond our world—a place of spectacular sights and super-scaled comedy known as the Land of the Lost. Sucked alongside him for the adventure are crack-smart research assistant Holly (Anna Friel) and a redneck survivalist (Danny McBride) named Will. Chased by T. rex and stalked by painfully slow reptiles known as Sleestaks, Marshall, Will and Holly must rely on their only ally—a primate called Chaka (Jorma Taccone)—to navigate out of the hybrid dimension. Escape from this routine expedition gone awry and they’re heroes. Get stuck, and they’ll be permanent refugees in the Land of the Lost.
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in love and dreams
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