As happy as I can be. Bff said she's moving in to Penang this weekend...Woohhoo..Have compnay for gossip and stories..No need to spend my phone calling her anymore...Just an sms or surprise meeting at her house...And to that b****, me and BFF gonna kutuk you till you drop...Bloody b****...We don't f***ing care whether you're gonna die or almost die...Whatever *snap*...
Today can be consider good for.Calls were quite good.
God, please give good health and panjangkan umur my parents
Good to be back home last weekend. But sadly, I had only 1 day to spend with the family. Didn't meet up with friends as time was limited for me. So this time around, I spent the 1 day I had with mummy,daddy and adik and as usual adik has to go for her tuition. It feels so good to be back home. Nothing better to compare.I feel different this time. Felt more attached to the family. Help mummy with house chores. I can see that they're not as strong as they used to be. Wrinkles on the their faces and hands..How fast I grew up...I can still remember house daddy used to run around the house playing catching with us but now he can't barely walk to the kitchen..He looked so tired...Mummy as well..I pray to God to give me strength and courage to work hard so that I can afford to take good care of them like how they used to do it...Sebak rasa hati...
I can't imagine how my life and world would be without them...Even when I lost grandma, it felt so heart-broken,apatah lagi mak bapak sendiri...I rely on them for their encouragement and support..They provided me everything to make sure I have what I have now...I feel very blessful and greatful for the achievement I got today...I used to give up in almost everything I do but they gave me moral support and push me harder...
I always pray that God will always panjangkan umur my parent so that they can enjoy a good life. Just sit back and relax. I really miss them a lot. I've been having this kind of fear. Fear that I'll get a phone call one day from someone to inform me that they are gone...
Yesterday, when daddy sent me to the bus station, I salam him and feel so sebak. I didn't cry though but berat sangat hati nak tinggalkan family. Mummy didn't tag along as she followed the neighbour to the supermarket. I salam her first before she went off, she didn't look at my face but I gave her a kiss on the cheeks. I shed some tears....It was very hard to leave them yesterday and I don't know why..
I can't imagine how my life and world would be without them...Even when I lost grandma, it felt so heart-broken,apatah lagi mak bapak sendiri...I rely on them for their encouragement and support..They provided me everything to make sure I have what I have now...I feel very blessful and greatful for the achievement I got today...I used to give up in almost everything I do but they gave me moral support and push me harder...
I always pray that God will always panjangkan umur my parent so that they can enjoy a good life. Just sit back and relax. I really miss them a lot. I've been having this kind of fear. Fear that I'll get a phone call one day from someone to inform me that they are gone...
Yesterday, when daddy sent me to the bus station, I salam him and feel so sebak. I didn't cry though but berat sangat hati nak tinggalkan family. Mummy didn't tag along as she followed the neighbour to the supermarket. I salam her first before she went off, she didn't look at my face but I gave her a kiss on the cheeks. I shed some tears....It was very hard to leave them yesterday and I don't know why..
Posted by
in love and dreams
when we were young
Well, I believe that most of us went through a very rebellious years when we were teenage. And yes, I did too but compare to the rebellious behavior with today's teenager are totally different.
When we were young, the things that we did really upset our parents but not to a point where it made our parents speechless or not bothered anymore. But today youngsters are so lucky, they have handphones at the age of 12 years old, PSP at the age of 10, nintendo Wii at the age of maybe 15 and best part is few weeks back, I was at a mall with boyfie, so we were chatting and I saw a girl who's using a Sony Ericsson that is worth $2000 so I showed boyfie and he said 'See la, parents nowadays really spoil the kid'... Part of it I agreed but what about kind that comes from a good upbringing but still end up spoil????You can't blame their friends or peers..Yes, they maybe easily influenced by many things when they are 16 but what are the reasons??? Family? Friends?..
Posted by
in love and dreams
it feels good to be back

Well, pictures tell a million stories. As you can see, I looked happy right? Yes indeed. Being able to go back home after few months of 'hard labor' is definitely a good therapy. at least this is what I need. A break from the stress and tension of work. I miss boyfie at the same:-(
Anyway, reached home and put down my bag. Lazing around in the room with air condition on. Soothing...aarrgghh..Feels like giving in my resignation letter and just relax...As if like the money will just 'rain' on me...How good if it does.
Oohh how I missed home cook food. Ate mummy's cook,fish and vege...It is simple but there is nothing more delicious than your own home cook dish.
Work is tiring and there are times where I really gave up and just want to walk away from everything..It was stressful week last week...
BFF is moving down to Penang and she got transfered from Putrajaya...Woohoo...At least we can meet often now...I'm so happy...I have boyfie and BFF in the same place and at the same time.. At least I have more company...
Posted by
in love and dreams
even if we just met

Well, how time flew so fast and some of my colleagues are going off pursuing their dreams. Even though I have just join the team but I felt close to them especially Rina, Winnie,Sam. Winnie looks garang but she's nice and very motivational. I fell comfortable working with her. The pictures above was taken during Rina's farewell dinner which was yesterday. it was fun. We had the dinner at a Japanese restaurant. Food was ok but because we often have Japanese so it feel muak sikit. I reached there at about 8pm. Drove from the office.
And today Rina cried as she said she misses the friendship she has long built.I wanted to cry as well earlier but I 'tahan' my tears. It was quite dramatic. I'm going to miss her dearly actual fact as she jokes alot and teach me a lot of things. Everyone is leaving and I feel all alone over here. Honestly....Sadly...
Been going back quite late lately due to heavy workload and due to learning on how to use our new order management system.I can tell you that it is 'awesome'.
Anyway, going back to Perlis tomorrow and looking forward to a relaxing weekend.
Posted by
in love and dreams

This picture was taken 1 week back. It was Mona's engagement day in Kulim...Me and boyfie got lost while trying to find the venue of her ocassion...God knows where..I thought Perlis was dull, you couldn't imagine how dull can this place be compare to Perlis.Anyway, we started our road trip at about 7.30pm and reached there at about 9.30pm...Imagine that...Lucky there was food left for us. The first thing I did was,I find her and give her the tightest hug and guess what,we both cried...Aaww...She was a good friend of mine...We used to stay together for about 3 years. She was the best housemate ever. Yes, we do had our arguments,but we made up in the end. But it was fun.I miss her a lot.If I were given the chance to stay with her again,I'll definitely say yes.
Posted by
in love and dreams
Out with the group and good friend's enagagement
Went out with BFF Khang and Fifi to QB after work. Sent food to boyfie first.He didn't joined along as he has class to attend.Sad...Anyway, went for lunch with them and then later on met up with Riana and Yazid...As usual they're 2 hours late..We expected that...Fifi bought Forever 21 big clutch, Elianto mascara and Etude eyeshadow...I bought a Forever 21 bow belt...Black in color..Its like RM9..Value for money...wanted to buy skinny jean,RM119 but boyfie said how many would I want to wear...True....I have tonnes on jean but I only wear just a few...What a waste of money....
Then boyfie and me went to Mona's engagement party in Kulim...The journey was ages,and we got lost for almost 2 hours...But upon reaching there, I went straight to meet her...FYI, she was my ex-housemate and a good friend of mine.We had a lot of goodtimes together..I miss her a lot.. We were very close back in college years...her fiancee is sooo handsome...Mona, I was just kidding, but he is handsome...Hahahaha...I cried when I saw her...tears of joy...The last we met was many years back, right before she moved out after finishing her diploma studies. But we still keep in touch through sms....Well, she's gonna get married in December and will be moving to Ipoh with her husband...I' going to miss her dearly...She helped me a lot....
Yes, we do have arguements sometimes but we still remain good friends...
Then boyfie and me went to Mona's engagement party in Kulim...The journey was ages,and we got lost for almost 2 hours...But upon reaching there, I went straight to meet her...FYI, she was my ex-housemate and a good friend of mine.We had a lot of goodtimes together..I miss her a lot.. We were very close back in college years...her fiancee is sooo handsome...Mona, I was just kidding, but he is handsome...Hahahaha...I cried when I saw her...tears of joy...The last we met was many years back, right before she moved out after finishing her diploma studies. But we still keep in touch through sms....Well, she's gonna get married in December and will be moving to Ipoh with her husband...I' going to miss her dearly...She helped me a lot....
Yes, we do have arguements sometimes but we still remain good friends...
Posted by
in love and dreams
when customer says 'This is bullshit'
I'm not sure has anyone get a customer that says 'Look, this is bullshit' before???? I do and almost everyday..Some say worst than that..Honestly...It is sick and tired...To those customer out there, it's not my fault if what you see and what is available is not the same...We can't keep on offering the same...We are doing our job...And remember that you are not Bill Gate that has your own company..You're just an employee like me who rely on your company for your montly pay. You're nobody so its better for you customers to watch what is coming out of your mouth...Don't be a rude asshole..Think twice before you want to say anything....
Posted by
in love and dreams
after weeks of struggle
Well, its been 3 weeks of hell. Been working 6am shift for the past like...3 weeks??? But I enjoyed because no one will disturb and I get more calls ;-).
I'm blogging from my office actually.Calls are low and not much things to do.Had Indian food for lunch. Elizabeth's mum cooked and it is delicious....Maybe because I prefer Indian food.
Khang's in Penang.Will be going out with him later on. Together with Fifi as well. Boyfie is not sure yet as he has class later in the afternoon but I asked him to skip the class...So bad of me...
Interview was ok last week but I won't put much hope actually....One thing went wrong but I'll keep it to myself.Kind of embarassing to tell the whole world...Most of the interviewees are like...30 plus and some are married.I think I'm the youngest one...I was the first to be called. Interviewer was a girl and a guy...Pretty friendly...Most questions are about myself, on why do I choose MBA and what will I benefit from the course...I 'goreng'everything out...Said what ever that comes across my head at that point...You should see the look of my face...Blur,fake and nervous...I wore baju kurung...Konon nak tunjuk ayu la.
BFF got her Government posting at Majlis Keselamatan Negara. Her first day was on Monday(5th April)..I called on that day..She sounded excited though...Girlfriend, I hope you'll find yourself a cute and handsome guy...Most important is a guy that loves you for who you're and takde pasang2 ok...I'll always pray for...I love you babe...
It's already April and I'm looking forward to May and June.Not that I'm gonna get married or something.Will update you guys when I get the news.
I'm blogging from my office actually.Calls are low and not much things to do.Had Indian food for lunch. Elizabeth's mum cooked and it is delicious....Maybe because I prefer Indian food.
Khang's in Penang.Will be going out with him later on. Together with Fifi as well. Boyfie is not sure yet as he has class later in the afternoon but I asked him to skip the class...So bad of me...
Interview was ok last week but I won't put much hope actually....One thing went wrong but I'll keep it to myself.Kind of embarassing to tell the whole world...Most of the interviewees are like...30 plus and some are married.I think I'm the youngest one...I was the first to be called. Interviewer was a girl and a guy...Pretty friendly...Most questions are about myself, on why do I choose MBA and what will I benefit from the course...I 'goreng'everything out...Said what ever that comes across my head at that point...You should see the look of my face...Blur,fake and nervous...I wore baju kurung...Konon nak tunjuk ayu la.
BFF got her Government posting at Majlis Keselamatan Negara. Her first day was on Monday(5th April)..I called on that day..She sounded excited though...Girlfriend, I hope you'll find yourself a cute and handsome guy...Most important is a guy that loves you for who you're and takde pasang2 ok...I'll always pray for...I love you babe...
It's already April and I'm looking forward to May and June.Not that I'm gonna get married or something.Will update you guys when I get the news.
Posted by
in love and dreams
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