Pictures say a thousand words.
last day at home
Well, it is 10.15am. I just woke. Couldn't sleep after 6am. I'm not looking forward to go back Penang. How I wish Perlis is a big city so that I don't have to move else where. Close to teh family as well. BFF is coming later to pick me up and we plan to visit an old friend of us back in high school. It has been years since we last met. She's married with 4 kids. So cute. Anyway Along will be tagging along. Then after that, we'll be heading back to Penang which is the hardest and saddest part of the trip.
Messaging with boyfie yesterday and I know he's going through a rough time. God, please give him the strength to go through all this. Show him the right path. Give him calmness and every strength in every part of the world so that he can pull through. And I miss him as well.
Mummy's baking bread. Nothing beats a home cook bakery and dish.
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in love and dreams
days when you and your dad had the quiet moment
Today was suppose to be a happy dinner as I planned to treat my family for dinner and I did. But before that, I had a bad argument with daddy. Felt bad though. The argument was about my young and rebellious sister. Do you ever have a stubborn, rebellious and arrogant sister that sometimes you want to choke her???? I do. Even then I still love her as we have the same DNA strains in both our body where no matter what we do, we're still sisters. But you know a teenager who's age between 15 to 17 ( I had my rebellious years myself). Things have change for the past couple of years where teenagers in those days are not like today. Weird isn't it.
Last time, when we have to call our parents, we use the public phone, but now kids are using Sony Ericsson that cost thousands.
Last time, when we want to buy sneakers, we go to Bata. But now, they buy Converse (which is for them the cheapest brand they can get).
Last time, we only bring $1.00, maximum $2.00. But now they're bringing $50.
Last time, the meaning of lepak is at kopitiam, but now kids choose Starbucks...Damn.
See what I mean. I don't how am I going to support her in the future. Things have change so much that sometimes we missed certain things.
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in love and dreams
durian season is soooo good
So I came back with BFF. Started our journey at 9pm. And we stopped by SP, to drop Intan (BFF's cousin). Thinking that her friends will be back as well. But in the end, she decided to follow us. It was so quiet and I wouldn't dare to stay alone as well. Anyway, since I have to take my dinner. BFF suggested us to stop by Alor Star stadium. Coincidently I was craving their famous naan bread as well but as we reached there, the place was crowded as there was a live football match against Brazil and Portugal, so we turned back and headed straight to Perlis and stopped by Seriab to have dinner. We ordered daging merah, ayam merah and tomyam. Sat for a while and went off. So by the time I reach home, it was like 1 am. the journey that was suppose to be only 2 hours have become 4 hours. Hahahaha..
Anyway, I was craving to have durian since it is durian season. Penang is so expensive and does not taste as nice as Perlis. Hahaha. I asked my god brother to get a few for me. Have not eaten yet actually. Before that mummy and me drove to Batu Pahat thinking there might be people selling durians along the roadside but there was nothing and no one so we drove home empty handed. Trying to find mango for boyfie as well as he like to eat mango but none left as mango season has passed. But I'll try to find again tomorrow. I miss him a lot :-( .
And I know someone will be 'happy'...
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in love and dreams
am i getting skinner?
True, my weight has gone down drastically. Oo btw, I'm going back to Perlis this weekend. Woohoo. I'm soooo excited. I didn't get the chance to celebrate Father's Day with the family so I'll pay for it this time. Sorry Dadddy..Anyway, work is terribly bad and tiring. I don't get enough rest and eat. Been working like hell for the past couple of weeks. Hope things would be better by this month end. Class starting soon and I have yet to go for my medical check up. Macam nak start keja baru la pulak. Not sure whether I can balance between my classes and my work but I do hope that my masters will bring me some benefit after this. I'm grateful that I manage to pursue my masters as it was mumm'y dream to see me finishing my masters, and it is also part of my wishlist to go for masters. So basically it is a win-win situation.
Scenario number 2.
What do you think if you ex mentioned YOUR NAME in facebook. The best part is your break-up history is really bad. Annoyed?Disgusted?Pissed? I feel everything. One thing for sure I would want 4 tough guy to pin him down the floor and I will do the punching. That would definitely reliefs me. I hold grudge on him, to be honest. When we broke up, I swear that I don't want to have anything to do with him anymore and deleted him from my thumbdrive, my hard drive and deleted everything that has to do with him including his smell. Sounds freaky right. But try to be in my shoe. You'll know how it feels like. I was weak at that time and I'm sooooooooooooooo f***ing over him. For all the girls out there (or his current gf), you chose the wrong guy. But its not your fault as I don't think he tells you what he was like back then. I can say that he lie a lot of thing to you, ain't?? Make an effort to dig it out like how I did last time.
3rd scenario
Well, I feel drain off and not sure why maybe I worked to hard and loose my balance in life. You know there's one point where you feel like leaving everything behind and get yourself a nice holiday. that's how I feel now. Drained and tired. I kept reminding myself that I'm sttrong inside and this is life. I never thought I will grow up this fast. Feels like I'm still in high school/college. But now it has been 2 years since I graduated from my degree. How time flew so fast. Till today, I don't think I'm ready to face the working world but I know I have to in the end. It is just a matter of time. Daddy and mummy has been so supportive to me and I'm doing this for them as well and I know I have a big responsibilities toward Adik. She's counting on me in the future. I have a lot of big dreams but I'm not sure whether I can achieve all that or not. Sometimes I feel like the dreams I have are moving further and further away.
Scenario number 2.
What do you think if you ex mentioned YOUR NAME in facebook. The best part is your break-up history is really bad. Annoyed?Disgusted?Pissed? I feel everything. One thing for sure I would want 4 tough guy to pin him down the floor and I will do the punching. That would definitely reliefs me. I hold grudge on him, to be honest. When we broke up, I swear that I don't want to have anything to do with him anymore and deleted him from my thumbdrive, my hard drive and deleted everything that has to do with him including his smell. Sounds freaky right. But try to be in my shoe. You'll know how it feels like. I was weak at that time and I'm sooooooooooooooo f***ing over him. For all the girls out there (or his current gf), you chose the wrong guy. But its not your fault as I don't think he tells you what he was like back then. I can say that he lie a lot of thing to you, ain't?? Make an effort to dig it out like how I did last time.
3rd scenario
Well, I feel drain off and not sure why maybe I worked to hard and loose my balance in life. You know there's one point where you feel like leaving everything behind and get yourself a nice holiday. that's how I feel now. Drained and tired. I kept reminding myself that I'm sttrong inside and this is life. I never thought I will grow up this fast. Feels like I'm still in high school/college. But now it has been 2 years since I graduated from my degree. How time flew so fast. Till today, I don't think I'm ready to face the working world but I know I have to in the end. It is just a matter of time. Daddy and mummy has been so supportive to me and I'm doing this for them as well and I know I have a big responsibilities toward Adik. She's counting on me in the future. I have a lot of big dreams but I'm not sure whether I can achieve all that or not. Sometimes I feel like the dreams I have are moving further and further away.
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in love and dreams
today was tiring
Saturday was ok but Sunday was gooooood (as I don't have to work on that day:-) ). Went to QB. Was plannig to watch Sex and the City 2. have already booked the ticket but we went late and ticket has been canceled. So we decided to take a stroll in the shopping mall. We went to Palace of India for dinner (2 days in a row). Teringin want to makan punya pasal. Ordered my favorite dish (masala something, can't remember). And then went for ice-cream at Baskin Robbin. Both of us ate quite a lot during the weekends.
Called daddy yesterday to wish him Father's Day. Sad that I couldn't celebrate with them as I had to work. Anyway, BFF asked whether I would want to follow her back to Perlis. I said yes. Hahahaha...BFF, we're gonna go for a road trip....Woohoo.. Plan to buy some durians back. her car is gonna sting man...Too bad..Hahaha.
Called daddy yesterday to wish him Father's Day. Sad that I couldn't celebrate with them as I had to work. Anyway, BFF asked whether I would want to follow her back to Perlis. I said yes. Hahahaha...BFF, we're gonna go for a road trip....Woohoo.. Plan to buy some durians back. her car is gonna sting man...Too bad..Hahaha.
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in love and dreams
daddy, daddy cool...

Dear daddy,
Thank you for all the support you have provided to the family. All the hard work, tears, sweat due to all the hard work. We love you a lot. You're the person who guided us on our first bicycle ride, first day at school (mummy as well), first day in high school, first day in uni and graduation day. We proud to say that we're grateful to have a father like you.
Happy Father's Day Daddy
We Love YOu Daddy.
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in love and dreams
spanish class?? You've gotta be joking
Despite having bad migraine, I have to drive to the clinic and stop by USM in regards of my USM application that has been approved. At the same time, met up with an old friend where we met in secondary school, Along. She guided me through roughly the process of my online registration for my subjects. My first master's class will be around the corner and I'm freaking excited and nervous at the same. I got the timetable and the fees are quite 'reasonable'.And I have a Japanese lecturer who is going to teach us economic class. Cool ei.... Before that we stopped by Graduate School of Business (GSB) to enquire some info on how to go about the online application. Sounded easy even though the offer letter that I got looked complicated. Anyway, the 'abang' was friendly enough to share some info with us. Surprisingly enough as most government officers are quite 'friendly' at times. So now I'm in USM lab blogging and at the same time finishing my registration but sadly, the website is under maintenance.
To be honest, I have never though that I would be able to pursue my masters as I was a lzay bump back in high school. I love to sleep and that is untill today. Boyfie said I'm a piglet. Hahaha. I'm very grateful that after all the things I've been through, GOD gave a second chance to prove myself. I thank HIM for all the guidance, the support and the strength HE gave me untill today. And I know the fact that I'm no saint as a human. I do bad things but still HE protected me. Also not to forget biggest second thank to daddy and mummy, for EVERYTHING they have sacrifise for me, the money, time and everything they could possibly provide me. And another important person is boyfie, thank you so much for your tolerence and patience you had since we met. The staying till wee hours accompanying me during my exam periods. You and the family has given me so much that it is not enough by just saying thank you. If not because all of you, I would never be standing here now. Also BFF, for being there always, listening to my nonsense and nagging. I promise that I'll do my best, better than my degree and will definitely make all of you proud of me.
This is like a dream. A dream that I could not possibly think of. Another thing to bring back on track is my online business. Once everything settle, here I come again. This time, ALL OUT...
And GOD, please help me this time around again. Give me the strength, patience and guidance to pursue my studies. Show me the road to success and give me the ease to learn things during this period. And show me what is right and what is wrong. Guide me to the correct path and bless me with all the goodness in life. Bless my family and my loved ones.
To be honest, I have never though that I would be able to pursue my masters as I was a lzay bump back in high school. I love to sleep and that is untill today. Boyfie said I'm a piglet. Hahaha. I'm very grateful that after all the things I've been through, GOD gave a second chance to prove myself. I thank HIM for all the guidance, the support and the strength HE gave me untill today. And I know the fact that I'm no saint as a human. I do bad things but still HE protected me. Also not to forget biggest second thank to daddy and mummy, for EVERYTHING they have sacrifise for me, the money, time and everything they could possibly provide me. And another important person is boyfie, thank you so much for your tolerence and patience you had since we met. The staying till wee hours accompanying me during my exam periods. You and the family has given me so much that it is not enough by just saying thank you. If not because all of you, I would never be standing here now. Also BFF, for being there always, listening to my nonsense and nagging. I promise that I'll do my best, better than my degree and will definitely make all of you proud of me.
This is like a dream. A dream that I could not possibly think of. Another thing to bring back on track is my online business. Once everything settle, here I come again. This time, ALL OUT...
And GOD, please help me this time around again. Give me the strength, patience and guidance to pursue my studies. Show me the road to success and give me the ease to learn things during this period. And show me what is right and what is wrong. Guide me to the correct path and bless me with all the goodness in life. Bless my family and my loved ones.
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in love and dreams
hati sakit
Well, sometimes, we just have to swallow deep the pain that we feel in order to keep 'everyone's' feeling happy and satisfied. In the end, we are the one who suffers inside. With my workload bundling up, with my classes around the corner, it seems to be upside down. Not sure whether I can coupe with all this nonsense. With some 'things' that are out of my control, it makes me wonder, is it worth it???
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in love and dreams
feels like slapping the living s***
As per the title above, that's how stressful I am. Feels like chocking someone.. Everything is so messy.God...I'm starting my masters next month and I'm not sure whether I can divide my time between work and uni...This is so tense. Anyway, working on Sunday morning when everyone is still sleeping...Boyfie spent most of his time 'dating' with his PS2. We didn't catch any movie yesterday. Lucky or else I'll be dead. Woke up late this morning but reached work on time... Pheww...
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in love and dreams
movie date with boyfie and an evening with the girls
Went out with BFF and her cousin, Intan. Attended a beauty class in Pulau Tikus (Belissa Row). It was fun. And met Thipah as she invited us to join. It's a 2 hours class and filled with fun. We got the opportunity to try out the products ( Mary Kay). It was good. the after effect is immediately. I was immediately hooked to the products and went back home to 'negotiate with boyfie...hahahha.. After the class, we went to QB, BFF and her cousin wanted to buy a set of CROC shoes (they have big jumble sales beside BORDERS). I fell in love with this one

It's only RM60. So I tried it on, sadly it doesn't fit me even though it is size W4. Too many people has tried on the shoe, so possible reason is it expanded. So I ended empty handed. Only BFF managed to bought this one. I liked this but coulnd't find my size. *sobbing*.
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in love and dreams
wedding dinner
Picture was taken last Saturday in conjunction of Kamini's wedding dinner. Went with boyfie and Dinesh. Bumped into a few college classmates. All of them are working now. And till now I can't believe that Kamini is married. It was held in Chee Hoon Khor Moral Uplifting Centre. It feels like just yesterday I went to her house for our weekly study group. How time flies. I miss those days. Years without pressure, just plain fun. Exclude the exam part. No one likes that ok.
Anyway, work is getting hectic and I hate that. I'm exhausted. F**** exhausted. With my master's class starting next month. I hope I can coupe with my classes despite of my work schedule.
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in love and dreams
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