new things in life
what's up with cupcakes
my dream wedding theme

It is a small girl's dream to have a grand wedding. As you grow up you just want to have a simple but meaningful wedding for yourself and your partner attended by close friends and close relatives. I would love to have a reception by the beach with white canopy, chairs and tables tied with lavender colored ribbons. 8 course meal and not-too-long wedding dress with cap-sleeve. I don't need a Vera Wang dress to look good. I don't want to look slutty instead of gorgeous on my wedding day of course. A simple yet classy and elegant style. A rounded shape wedding ring with a princess cut diamond embedded on top of the ring and my wedding date engrave on the inside part of the ring. And also create a wedding video for me to share with my loved one forever and of course a wedding photo album. Capturing every moment on that special day. I don't want to have a wedding that will cause a hole in my pocket. A simple wedding card with lavender colored ribbon on the from of the card, of course...Everything is just a plan but sadly not at this moment this wedding is going to happen. But roughly, these are the things that I have at the back of my mind....
end of the weekend

stretch marks and anti marks cream

it was not just goodbye
this is humiliating
Malay youth who itch for
online porn
Compiled by LOH FOON FONG,
YOUNG urban Malays aged 13 to 19 are the most frequent visitors to pornography websites, reported Kosmo!, quoting a study by Universiti Putra Malaysia’s Social Sciences Institute (Ipsas).
The study said 22% of the multi-racial make-up of respondents in the survey were Malays, who also topped the list of those who liked to lepak (be idle) (15%), smoke (13.7%) as well as swear at people and play truant (11.5%) respectively.
“Playing truant used to be the dominant misconduct among Malay students. Now, it is viewing pornographic websites at cyber cafes,” said Ipsas director Prof Dr Md Salleh Hassan, who headed the research.
“These findings make it urgent for the Government to block easy access to the sites before they become a security threat to the nation,” he said, echoing a similar warning made recently by former Prime Minister Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad.
Dr Md Salleh lamented that it was disappointing that parents who were interviewed about their children’s penchant for pornography sites denied the claims, despite the confessions made by the youngsters.
Among the other races, Chinese students were found to be more inclined towards gambling (9.5%) and consuming alcoholic drinks (6.2%) while Indian youths were found to be prone to cheating during examinations (10.6%) and picking quarrels with their teachers (7.6%).
resources by The Star
stars are what i can see
I'll be blogging more often after this as internet access is easy for me now...weeee!!! Anyway, I have assignments to pass by tomorrow. The good news is my team mate has done it for me but I still try to understand bits and pieces. I did learnt all this back in college but it was like 2 years back and the books are now in the storage. I'm not sure whether I can make through this semester or not. It is hard.
Went for an internal interview earlier on and hopefully I'll get good news by end of this week or most probably next week.
it is time to decide and say goodbye
first class was ok
So many things to referesh now. I've forgotten some things that I have learn back in college years. It feels odd to be a student again after 2 years I graduated from my degree. Still not use to it yet. Well, like I said, hopefully boyfie will bring me good news so that I can 'retire' early from work and focus on my study.
Boyfie will have team event with his colleague while BFF have to attend a seminar outstation and I'll be stuck at home all alone. Sad isn't it.
this is tiring
I feel that my job is not bringing me anywhere. To be honest. I'm stuck here with no what-so-ever assurance of what I'll be getting. Finding another job is not easy as well. I have no choice now but to stay put. I hope that boyfie will have good news...I'm counting on you bb :-)
Manage to watch movie after 2 weeks of spending the weekend at home. Boyfie was busy with juggling 2 jobs at the same time. I know he's tired. We watched Knight and Day. Movie was good. Funny packed with actions. Since it was a public holiday, we had a hard time to find parking and cars were many today. After movie we bought some things for the house including a mop that has broken (twice this year). Ahahahha.. Wonder how I broke it??? I'm not sure myself...It was suppose to be boyfie's off day today but as usual, people still need him at work....So I went back and change and followed him to futsal centre. Before that we bought maggi goreng for dinner.

dark circle is my best friend
Anyway a friend of mine will be leaving for Indonesia for 10 days. He'll be on holiday and I'm stuck here. How I wish I could leave everything behind and go for a vacation. I desperately need a break from all of this stress.
By the way I went for medical check up as it is criteria for my master's application. And the doctor said I have a very low blood pressure. I'm young and I have low blood pressure. I'm not sure what am I getting myself into.
'amazingly' STUPID
When I first met boyfie many people criticize me why on earth do I have to choose other races?? Want to know why? Because people with the same religion as mine are mostly so shallow minded. If someone marries a Euro, why people dont' say anything? Instead they're sooooooo fucking proud... 'Oh I'm married to a mat salleh' See what I mean. Why do people have to be soooo proud of that? He/She is also a normal human being. They'll be bury in a coffin and underground and meet God after that. Just that they're more advance, civilized (not all though, some are still stupid), tall, white and bla bla bla...
This is just some of the reason my Malaysia is not develop. The government can create what ever policy they want but in the end, it comes down to the people.
online shop and daddy gets a year older
Anyway, I was thinking of getting my blogshop up and running again but not so sure how. Starting was a disaster. Manage to sell a few and ending up I wear those clothes...Hahahaha... But I will definitely get it done and once successful, I'm quiting!!!!!!!!!!!!. Who doesn't want to be your own boss right???...And it's daddy's birthday today..
weekend with The Group
Going to meet up with Fifi and Khang later after work. I'm so excited!!! Woohoo....I missed you two BFF....Best part about meeting them is the gossip segment. Ahahaha. Please, don't tell me you say NO to gossips...Khang is like the CNN...Ahahahahaha.
Anyway I feel like my head is going to explode. Everything is jumbling up and I'm in the middle of the crossroad. Class starting soon..Goshh...